
21 myths about health

In this article, we have addressed 21 myths that we have all heard about human health.

We’ll look at how true they are and how much they’re misleading us, all based on the latest scientific research and conclusions from the world’s leading holistic health experts.

The data shows one thing unequivocally – to a large extent, our own health is in our hands.

Let us consider what delusion we live in and think have we not noticed all this by now:

1. Fat is bad for us

This is one of the biggest fabrications the human ear has ever heard. Human cells are made up of about 50% fat. The human brain even more – from about 70% fat.

It goes without saying that fats are vitally important to the human body. It is important to consume olive oil, coconut oil, butter, avocado, peanut and almond butter, olives and many more.


It is important to get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in abundance in oily fish.

2. Coffee is harmful

Another huge misconception. In practice, 1, 2 or even 3 cups of coffee per day can have a very positive effect on the human body. Coffee is very rich in antioxidants and is considered one of the most powerful remedies against Alzheimer’s and dementia.

So if coffee is part of your daily routine, whether in the morning after getting up or in the evening (as many French drink it), you will not harm, but on the contrary – you will help your body, and a lot.

3. Cholesterol is very harmful

About 50% of the cell membrane in the human body is composed of cholesterol, as well as 20% of the human brain. We don’t need to explain how important it is for our health.

4. The fear of gluten is a fad

It is a fact that the consumption of gluten can harm human health by stimulating various inflammatory processes in the body.

It is important to know, however, that gluten is only dangerous for people who are allergic to it (approximately 1 in every 300 people).

5. Fruit can’t harm us

If you eat very large amounts of fruit or drink too much freshly squeezed fruit juice, you risk raising blood sugar levels because fruit contains a lot of sugars and carbohydrates.

That doesn’t make them harmful. It’s just good to eat more fruit at the expense of less fresh fruit.

6. We must completely get rid of bad cholesterol

We must reduce it, but not stop it completely. It is needed in small amounts for the health of the human brain.

7. Carbohydrates should occupy the main part of our menu

They are really important for us, but it is important to take them in the first half of the day, because then we need a lot of energy. Do not overdo it with carbohydrates, because they turn into sugars when they enter the body and can then cause insulin resistance.

8. Whole grains are healthy

That may be true, but only if you are not gluten intolerant.

They also contain too many carbohydrates and therefore it is good not to overdo them. Don’t forget one more detail – whole grain foods today are not as good as the whole grain foods our ancestors consumed.

9. Agave nectar is good for sweetening

In fact, it is quite processed and has lost much of its positive qualities. It is quickly processed by the liver and stored in the form of fat, which a person will then try to get rid of. The only outstanding quality of this syrup is its pleasant taste.

10. All gluten-free foods are healthy

Just because they don’t contain gluten doesn’t make them healthy. There are tons of products that are gluten-free, but full of harmful sugars and lots of carbs. This includes different types of crackers, spaghetti, breads, etc.

11. If something is sugar-free, fat-free, gluten-free, and cholesterol-free, it’s healthy.

In fact, if something is without all of these things, it’s just too processed and all of these ingredients have been replaced with something else. Adhere to the principle of “simplicity in nutrition”.

12. We have no control over our genes and brains and cannot improve them

In fact, this is wrong. We have a great deal of control over our genes through the foods we eat and the exercise we do.

Most diseases that affect the human body are the result of inflammation, which in turn is caused by lack of nutrients and movement.

13. All-natural foods are very healthy

If they are all-natural yes, but in most cases that label doesn’t mean anything. Such foods may contain dyes, preservatives, and whatnot no.

If you want to eat such products, it is best to choose them from organic food stores.

14. Eggs are bad for health

One of the biggest hoaxes ever invented is that eggs are bad for health and we should only eat the white of the egg.

As a result, we miss out on many important nutrients. Many people worry about their cholesterol, but it has now been scientifically proven that eating egg yolks does not affect cholesterol levels in any way.

15. Eating often and in small portions boosts metabolism

Such a study has not been done so far and such claims are absurd. In fact, eating small portions is beneficial, but for blood sugar (maintains it even) and for the stomach (does not overload it). What really revs up the metabolism is eating protein and doing endurance sports.

16. All meat is equally good

Meat from free-range animals actually contains more nutrients and higher quality protein than meat from animals that are fed genetically modified, nutrient-poor foods.

17. Vegetarians are always healthier

This is not true. Very important amino acids for the human body are mainly found in the animal body. These are amino acids that we cannot get ourselves. As a result, we subject our bodies to an additional challenge by avoiding meat.

18. If women do endurance exercise and lift weights their bodies will become unattractive

This is not because women have different hormones. Estrogen prevents you from gaining muscle mass, which men can gain much more easily.

In fact, women can lift weights at will and their bodies will shape up to look even more attractive.

19. If I exercise a lot, I can eat whatever I want, even low-quality foods

If you exercise a lot and at the same time consume “junk” food or junk food, there won’t be much effect from your training, because you will have a hard time gaining muscle mass and you will not lose weight as you would like.

Also, eating junk food is quite exhausting when combined with intense training.

20. We should always use antibiotics when we are sick

In fact, antibiotics kill all bacteria, including the good ones. Beneficial bacteria are very important for our digestion, mood and overall health.

21. To have nice abs you need to do a lot of crunches

This is a complete lie because even if you have the biggest abs in the world only two fingers of belly fat is enough and you won’t see a trace of tiles.

The other fallacy is that you can do exercises for the appearance of 4 or 6 plates – everyone has 6 plate abdominal muscles, you just need to melt the fat and they will show.

So the myth that tiles are made not in the hall, but in the kitchen is true.

And if you’re wondering which are the most effective – cardio with intense movement and endurance exercises.

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