
5 reasons why vacationing by the sea is good for your health

If in the past year 2014 you did not spend time and funds for a vacation by the seashore, then after this article you will most likely want to do it in the summer of 2015. Wallace Nichols’ new book – the result of 10 years of work and constant research, is called Blue Mind.

The book shows how strong the influence of water is on man and how positively its proximity affects him, regardless of whether we are next to it, in it or under it.

Research results show that the proximity of water makes us feel happier and stimulates the brain to release oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin.

1. The human being has been closely related to water since its inception. A baby’s body contains 75% water. As we age, our bodies become drier (water content drops to 60%), but our brains still retain ¾ water content.

Surprisingly, even our bones are 31% water! In the cranial box, the human brain is located in a transparent and clear liquid resembling water.

According to Wallace Nicholas, we have a special relationship with water because we evolved from the oceans. First we were water creatures, then we began to crawl, and finally – to walk.

In fact, in the early stages of development, human embryos even have gills, which later disappear. Furthermore, the water in our cells is very similar to the water we see in the sea.

According to Nicholas, this connection with water makes us feel in the right place whenever we are near a body of water.

2. When we are by the shore we are more relaxed

Find a photo of a seascape without many people – just sea, waves, birds. Look at her for a while. Doesn’t it calm you down?

Scientific studies show changes in brain activity while observing a similar natural landscape. Stress hormones decrease, the inner feeling of calmness increases.

At the same time, the study shows that when looking at a photo of a cityscape, many people react with increased activity in this part of the brain, which is responsible for releasing stress hormones. p>

Of course, any natural landscape has a calming effect and creates a sense of well-being, but the seascape wins points.

3. Natural landscapes win over urban landscapes

And while looking at nature photos has a positive effect, natural landscapes have an even stronger effect on the psyche.

In 2011, a survey was conducted among 22,000 people. They had to determine how happy they felt depending on where they were.

The results showed that people who were in nature were much happier compared to others, and those who were near the sea or another large body of water were the happiest of all.

4. Water rejuvenates the tired mind

In a part of the book entitled “Water, nature and the optimal mind”, Nicholas explains how quickly the human brain is exhausted by the modern way of life.

According to him, one of the best ways to “recharge the batteries” of an exhausted mind is to spend some time by the seashore.

He refers to a study published in the journal Environmental Psychology in 1995

The study focused on whether students would show better results and performance in school if they were shown natural landscapes and, respectively, the urban landscape that most of us are familiar with.

Rooms from dormitories with views to the park, sea, lake or forest and, respectively, to the street, were used. It turned out that students in rooms with natural views got better grades and their attention was much sharper during lectures.

5. Blue is calming

It turns out that blue is the most popular and loved color in the world. Nicholas refers to a survey conducted in 2003 among 232 people from around the world.

When asked what their favorite color is, 42 percent of men and 35 percent of women said they like the color blue first and foremost.

For Niaklos this was no surprise. He believes that this is quite normal considering that we live on a planet dressed in blue shades – sea, sky, lakes. He claims that one thing can definitely be said – the color blue provokes a positive emotional response.

The transmitters in the brain that respond to the sight of the color blue are the same ones associated with feelings such as euphoria, joy, well-being and wealth.

Another study cited by the scientist shows that people are less likely to feel claustrophobic or tired if they are in a blue room.

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