
8 ways to detect cancer early without unpleasant medical tests

Despite numerous discoveries in the field, constant scientific research and new technologies, cancer is still a very serious problem for the population of the planet.

With all modern treatment methods, it is still one of the leading causes of death. Globally, this disease affects men more often than women, and the likelihood of such a healthy problem increases after 55 years of age. Approximately 77% of those diagnosed are over the age of 55.

How can a person himself determine the presence of such a serious problem at home and in time?

1. Lump or thickening of the breast, testicles and lymph nodes.

Many types of cancer can be detected early through routine self-examinations and skin palpation at home. This is especially true for breast or testicular cancer. Breast cancer very often presents as a thickening and redness, not just a lump.

2. Skin changes

Skin changes can be a sign not only of skin cancer but also of other types of cancer. Some of the warning symptoms may include:

– dark looking skin;
– yellowish skin;
– red or inflamed skin;
– dry scaly patches;
– excessive hair growth;
– warts, moles or freckles that suddenly change in size, color or shape;
– wounds that do not heal;

3. Throat and oral cavity


Persistent sore throat, cough, hoarse voice, lump in the throat or difficulty swallowing can be a sign of cancer of the pharynx, larynx, or esophagus.

Any cough that is accompanied by hemoptysis should be checked by a specialist immediately.

White spots in the mouth and tongue can be a sign of leukoplakia. This is a precancerous condition that is caused by frequent inflammation and is not uncommonly a result of using tobacco products.

4. Change in toileting habits, problems or changes in bowel, bladder and digestive function

Persistent difficulty urinating, constipation, chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, rectal or urinary bleeding, or tar-colored stools can be an indicator of bladder cancer , of the prostate, as well as other types of cancer.

Recurring digestive problems such as indigestion, nausea, heartburn, bloating, loss of appetite and abdominal discomfort could be signs of cancer.

5. Pain

Pain in many cases is a sign of prolonged inflammation and a weakened immune system. Both can be a prerequisite for the appearance of cancers.

A headache that doesn’t go away is a possible symptom of brain cancer, and back pain can signal ovarian, colon or rectal cancer.

Don’t leave persistent pain unexplained because cancer pain is often a signal that the disease has spread beyond its original location.

6. Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue that doesn’t go away with good food, rest, or plenty of sleep can be a bad sign. As the tumor grows, the body may begin to feel more and more exhausted, whichis a signal of an overworked immune system.

7. Recurring fever

It cannot be said that fever is only related to cancer, because it can be a symptom of many other problems, including stress or overwork, but when it is repeated, it is no longer a good sign.

Most cancer patients report that at some point during the development of the disease they have experienced recurrent bouts of fever. This is a sign that the disease is affecting the immune system.

In fewer cases, recurring fever may be a symptom of incipient leukemia or lymphoma.

8. Weight loss

At some point in their illness, most cancer patients experience a sudden drop in weight. This happens very often with cancers of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lungs.

If any of the listed problems exist, professional help should be sought immediately so that a professional can confirm or rule out this diagnosis.

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