
5 Reasons Why Women Don’t Have Sex

In a previous article, we described five reasons why women don’t like having sex or simply don’t practice it.

Among them are the overly dynamic life, the side effects of some drugs, including contraceptives, the fact that some women do not like their bodies.

But there are five more reasons for silence in the bedroom that we will tell you about today.

1. He’s just not your guy

You may have a perfectly normal libido, but your partner’s “engine” may be at a standstill. It could be emotional withdrawal, says Dr. Bob Berkowitz, co-author of a study on sexual attraction between men and women.

“The usual problems between husbands and wives almost always show up in the bedroom,” he says.
One reason for the estrangement can be some emotional distress on the part of the partner. Or he may simply expect you to be sexually more open.

Tip: Never make your partner feel guilty. “It’s understandable for a woman to feel rejected, but under no circumstances should she attack her partner with accusations like, ‘What the hell is going on?’ or, ‘You’re cheating on me!'” says Dr. Berkowitz. .

We have to be especially careful with men in such a situation, as it is delicate, and they invest too much in their sexuality.

2. You are depressed

When women have fallen into a black hole, it is normal for their desire for sex to evaporate. In such depressive states, they tend to isolate themselves, experts say, and even the most romantic relationships do not help.

Antidepressants can help in this case, but some of them affect your ability to have an orgasm.

Tip: If you notice changes in your sex drive after starting a new medication, tell your doctor; he can prescribe you an alternative. Also consider different treatment paths.

“Psychotherapy does not cause sexual dysfunction and is effective, especially for mild to moderate depression,” the experts say. Exercise also helps – it boosts mood and energy and increases blood flow to the genitals.

3. Your man is addicted to “Viagra”

Your partner’s addiction to the sexual stimulant “Viagra” – a condition that Western medicine calls “viagrization” can occur not only in grown men.

Young men also resort to the blue pill because they suffer from erectile dysfunction or simply to improve their performance in the bedroom. However, the result can be physical and emotional disconnection.

“The man, taking the drug, is ready to act, but the woman needs more time to get excited“, warn sexologists.

Tip: Experts recommend that partners find time to have a frank conversation about sex, without accusations and without reproaches.

This conversation should not take place in bed, and in it partners should openly talk about their sexual relationship.

4. You love your vibrator more than your partner

Using a vibrator instead of having real sex with your partner is a lot more common than some people think. A vibrator is a simpler and more accessible “tool” than a male penis.

There’s nothing wrong with incorporating sex toys into your love life, but becoming addicted to a vibrator or even preferring it over your partner can be a serious problem.

Tip: If they’re really addicted to your vibrator at the expense of your relationship with your partner, talk to a therapist to get real insight into your relationship, experts recommend.

If the vibrator gives you more satisfaction than sex with your partner, try some new positions or at least use the vibrator during foreplay with your partner.

5. You are sick or tired

Some women treated for low libido turn out to have an endocrine problem, such as an undiagnosed thyroid disorder. It can lead to exhaustion, depression, low sex drive and fertility problems.

Women who have chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia, anemia, diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis, may not be in the mood for sex, or feel tired or have body aches.


Tip: Once the thyroid condition or anemia is diagnosed and corrected, any symptoms should resolve.

If you are struggling with a chronic illness, you should focus on alternative ways to achieve sexual and sensual pleasure, experts recommend.

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