
7 problems that obesity leads to

You’ve probably heard thatobesity leads to cardiovascular risks?

But you probably don’t know that it can bring other serious health consequences, including cancer.

Over 36% of the American population suffers from obesity.

And 34% are on the way to this disease. If you want to avoid being among the victims of this disease, keep reading.

1. Cancer

A study of 5.4 million people claims that each year the number of cancer cases due to obesity increases by nearly 90,000 people.

Obesity unlocks cancer cells in 34,000 men and about 50,000 women each year.

2. Migraine

Obesity is also to blame for a large percentage of people suffering from migraines.

81% of obese people are more likely to get migraine attacks than people of normal weight.

Obese women over 50 are the most affected.

3. Infertility

Overweight women have a much difficulty getting pregnant.

90% of obese women suffer from a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome, which makes pregnancy more difficult.

Obesity is an inflammatory condition that can reduce fertility. It can be the result of hormonal changes produced by adipose tissue.

4. Premature birth

For heavier women who are pregnant, the worries are just beginning.

According to a study by the American Medical Association, obesity has been found to increase a woman’s chance of giving birth prematurely.

This happens when her body fat index exceeds a whopping 35%.

The authors of the study claim that obesity can weaken the membranes of the cervix and lead to cancer!

No matter what the cause, the consequences can be tragic!

Premature birth is the leading cause of death in newborns or the birth of children with lifelong disabilities.

5. Disturbed sleep

Obesity goes hand in hand with poor and poor quality sleep.

80% of overweight and elderly Americans report having trouble falling asleep at night, if at all.

Poor sleep also contributes to a host of diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and ironically, even obesity.

One of the most common diseases is sleep apnea, a condition in which a person breathes hard during sleep and may even stop for a moment.

6. Harassment

Although fat people are often the target of jokes, obesity is not funny.

Research shows that weight is the most common reason for teasing, and people who are the target of these jokes are more prone to depression and have low self-esteem and self-esteem.

The main irritants are our relatives. 40% of children who are treated for obesity report that they are constantly teased by a family member or a friend.

7. Financial instability

In a recent study, it was proven that there is a connection between how you eat, live, feel, etc. and how much money you get.

When people suffering from obesity are not in high positions and therefore have quite a limited income, their self-esteem drops dramatically.

As a result, clinics for the treatment of depression and other mental illnesses are overcrowded.

Another study proves that fat people are paid less than people of normal weight.

Not everyone, of course, but this is observed as a mass trend and 1 more reason for mental disorders on the part of obese people.

Take action in time and protect yourself. Consult your doctor or nutritionist to prescribe a program and diet.

We live in an unforgiving world and no one will have mercy on anyone just because they have problems.

We need to protect ourselves from everything that can harm us, so do what you need to do for your health today, so that tomorrow you can be one idea calmer.

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