
Apple consumption increases life expectancy

In the course of a 10-year large-scale study by Australian experts, the benefits of apples for health and increasing life expectancy were proven.

Scientists have found that to prevent the risk of early death, it is necessary to consume apples every day.

The beneficial properties of these fruits were discovered in an experiment conducted by Australian experts from CSIRO /Public Association of Scientific and Industrial Organizations/.

The observation of the volunteers lasted for 10 years, which was carried out by a team of scientists under the leadership of Professor Manny Knox. The authors of the study proved that apples are the most useful of the many fruits available to man.

The health benefits of consuming this fruit are explained by the large amounts of polyphenols it contains. These compounds are the most powerful antioxidants, they contribute to the reliable protection of the body’s cells from the effects of free radicals, which, according to some theories, damage them /cells/.

It should be noted that the negative impact of free radicals is one of the reasons why cells change and become cancerous.
In addition, Australian scientists have proven that the polyphenolic substances in the composition of apples have the properties of prebiotics , necessary for the normal function of the digestive system.

Accordingly, these substances can significantly slow down the growth and development of pathogenic intestinal microflora.
Scientists note that the beneficial effect of polyphenolic components, found in the analysis of the state of blood vessels, the tone of which is maintained when taking of these substances.

Apples also help slow the rate of cholesterol deposition, which in turn helps lower the risk of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

The head of the scientific project, Professor Manny Knox, points out that polyphenolic compounds are necessary for the body to prevent diseases – “They can play a role in reducing the risk of developing diabetes. And considering that polyphenols are an excellent prophylactic against asthma and allergies, apples are simply priceless.”

The researchers’ report also describes the peculiarities of the diet of Australian long-lived people. Scientists also recall that Australia has a fairly high mortality rate due to cancer. Among the reasons for the spread of oncological pathologies are the characteristic features of the climate.

However, people who regularly consumed apples reached over 80 years of age.

In addition, it should be noted that earlier this year a study conducted by scientists in Great Britain found a link between fruit consumption and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The study was conducted with volunteers who were divided into 2 groups. In the first were those who had already had a heart attack, and in the second were those with a high risk of this condition occurring. At the same time, the participants from the first group used a statin as a preventive measure – a preparation that lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Volunteers from the second group were given apples as a preventive measure. The results of the conducted research showed that the effect of these fruits was no worse than expensive medicines.

A decrease in blood cholesterol was observed in both groups of volunteers.

At the same time, to achieve a positive result, it was enough to include only 2 apples per day. One medium-sized apple contains 3.4 grams of vegetable fiber in its peel, and this represents 10% of the daily required amount of these nutrients.

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