

Asparagus is a truly unique plant that can equally well be used to make a festive bouquet, to prepare a large number of masterpieces of culinary art, as well as to treat various diseases.


The beneficial properties of asparagus have been well known since time immemorial, but what are they?

They are one of the most well-balanced plant foods, as they are low in fat, cholesterol and sodium.

They are also a good source, in addition to ballast substances, of the following vitamins – A /known to most of us as retinol, as it forms pigments in the retina/, E /has strong antioxidant properties, which means it reduces oxidative stress , due to the action of free radicals, which can cause damage and inflammation of cells, tissues and organs/ and K /supports the blood clotting process/.

The trace elements that make up asparagus are magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, copper and manganese. This plant also contains B vitamins – thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B6.

As evident from the nutrients described above, asparagus occupies the top position among plants and has the highest nutritional value due to the wide range of vitamins and minerals that one can obtain by consuming it /asparagus/.

For example, 150 grams of the plant provides a whopping 60% of the daily recommended dose of folic acid, with the US Food and Drug Administration defining 40% of the recommended amount as excellent.

In addition to protecting the heart from disease, vitamin B9 is necessary for the reproduction of blood cells, especially those in the bone marrow, for the normal growth of the body in children and adolescents, and also for preventing the development of liver disease.


Studies show that folic acid, or vitamin B9, is essential in preventing fetal neural tube defects such as spina bifida.

No less useful for asparagus and for the heart, blood vessels and of course even for the blood. This is due to the presence in their composition of useful substances called “coumarins”.

Scientifically, they have been found to be a type of blood coagulation regulator, thanks to which the formation of blood clots is prevented.

The potassium contained in asparagus is very important for the blood vessels, as well as for the heart. And in turn, the carotene present in their composition has a preventive effect in relation to malignant diseases.

Medical features

Asparagus also contains so-called saponins, which irritate the stomach to some extent.

But in reality, this action stimulates the secretion of absolutely all glands and contributes to the effective release of phlegm from the respiratory tract.

In this way, by consuming asparagus, one can quickly clear their bronchi of excess mucus.

It is important to note that this plant has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous, sexual and excretory systems, as well as on the general condition of the liver and kidneys.

Means for the easier removal of toxins and slags from the body, and also supports the function of the broncho-pulmonary system.

One cup of raw chopped asparagus contains about 180 grams:

• Caloric content – ​​27 kilocalories;
• Sodium – 3 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 5 grams;
• Vegetable fibers – 3 grams;
• Sugars – 1 gram;
• Proteins – 3 grams;
• Vitamin C- 43.9 milligrams;
• Calcium – 32.2 milligrams;
• Phosphorus – 69.7 milligrams;
• Potassium – 271 milligrams;

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