

Avocado, from English alligatorpear – alligator pear, is a tall evergreen tree with large fruits of the same name.

The fruits of the plant have a pear-shaped, oval or round shape and reach a size of 5-20 cm. They can weigh up to 2 kg.

On top, the avocado is covered with dense skin of a dark green or black color, and the inner fleshy part is usually green with a yellowish tint. There are over 400 different varieties of avocado.

The taste of this fruit is reminiscent of cow’s butter with green walnut-flavored spices. Because of its high nutritional value, in 1998, avocados were included in the Guinness Book of Records.

As an agricultural crop, people started this evergreen tree as early as the 3rd millennium BC. Mexico and South America are considered the homeland of the avocado.

The Indians who inhabit these territories call this fruit “oil of the forest”. Avocados were brought to European countries by the Spanish after one of the sea voyages to the American continent.

Composition and presence of useful substances

The soft inner part of the avocado is used as food, which contains a large amount of vitamins /E, from group B, A, C, KK, PP, folic acid/, minerals /calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium, sulfur, copper, chlorine, iodine, magnesium, boron, cobalt, manganese, etc./ and monosaturated fatty acids, which are very well absorbed by the body.

From the consumption of 1 medium-sized avocado, a person can obtain 36% of the daily required amount of vitamin K, 30% of folic acid, and satisfy 20% of the daily needs of pantothenic acid / vitamin B5 necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates /, vitamin B6, vitamin C and potassium – 2 times more potassium than is contained in 1 banana.

When avocado is eaten with other foods, it aids in the absorption of the nutrients alpha and beta carotene and lutein, as these compounds are fat soluble.

Avocado – nutritional value

1 medium-sized avocado, peeled /136 grams/ contains:
• 227 kilocalories;
• Fat -18 grams;
• Saturated fat – 3 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 12 grams;
• Vegetable fiber – 9 grams;
• Sodium 3 grams;

Useful and healing properties

Avocado has a wide range of properties useful for the human body.

With the inclusion of this fruit in the diet, the risk of developing diseases of the heart, in particular heart attacks, of the blood vessels – atherosclerosis, hypertension and of the blood – anemia.

Nutritionists recommend this fruit to people who suffer from chronic constipation, cataracts, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which are accompanied by increased stomach acidity.

Also, avocados should be consumed regularly in the postoperative period, when recovering from infectious diseases, and also during constant heavy physical exertion.

Mannoheptulose, contained in avocado, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce irritability, fatigue, invigorate, improve concentration and work capacity.

The high content of vitamin A and E has a beneficial effect on the skin as well, as wrinkles are smoothed, the size of inflamed or irritated skin areas in psoriasis, acne and eczema are reduced.

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, avocado protects the cells of the body from the harmful effects of free radicals and thus has a rejuvenating effect.

This fruit is also widely used in cosmetics and is used in making various skin and hair masks.

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