
Brazilian diet for weight loss

Brazilians value a good figure and good looks, and this is understandable considering that the Latin American country enjoys 365 days of warm weather a year. Unlike in Europe, Brazil is so warm that people have a hard time finding ways to hide their bodies under clothes. That’s why Brazilians are looking for ways to better shape their bodies. Here is what leading Brazilian experts advise.

1. Include lots of fruits in your menu. Brazilians use their local fruits, but it would be difficult and expensive for us Europeans to find everything they use. For us in Bulgaria, berries, forest fruits, apples and citrus fruits fit best. All of them are easily accessible because they originate from our countries or countries close to ours. Fruits are full of fiber and antioxidants and this helps to get rid of fat. Brazilians advise drinking fresh fruit juices as well as eating lots of fruit for dessert. At first it may be difficult for you to consume so many fruits, but gradually your stomach will get used to processing them and you will feel the need for them.

2. The second step consists in reducing grains and dairy foods. But let’s emphasize that this is about reducing these foods, not stopping them completely. It’s just that part of them should be replaced with fruits, and quite consciously. Cutting carbs leads to fat burning, but stopping them leads to energy loss. Try to consume carbohydrates in the form of brown rice or oatmeal, rather than white bread. As for dairy foods, the Brazilian diet relies mainly on frozen yogurt (we can rely on our native Bulgarian milk and it may not be frozen, but simply chilled – a good option for summer). Brazilians sometimes mix dairy products with freshly squeezed fruit juices and purees to make delicious shakes and fruit yogurts that they consume many times a day.

3. Physical activity is very important in the Brazilian diet. It starts with daily walks by the sea and ends up with Pilates exercises, which should be practiced three times a week for 30 minutes (at least). Besides pilates, other options are dancing or capoeira training. All of this will make you tighter, more flexible and give you energy.

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