

Cow butter is a product obtained from cow’s milk. It is in itself a concentrate of milk fat /78-82%, and the melted – about 99%/.

Cow butter has been present in the menu of our ancestors for centuries and no one considered it harmful. But now many people are desperately struggling with cholesterol and obesity.

Cow butter can only be called that product which is obtained from fresh or fermented cream and has a fat content of not less than 82.5%. Everything else is not butter.

Emulsifiers, preservatives, acidity regulators, flavorings, colorings, that is, all “fillers” and “enhancers” that are used to replace everything natural in the composition of the food product, and this means that you hold in your hands margarine or something like a butter substitute.

A product with less than 82.5% fat can easily be found in the commercial network, but it is no longer cow’s butter, although its packaging may be marked “cow’s butter” or “reduced butter … “

These types of oils, although cheaper, usually contain vegetable trans fats, which are harmful to the human body.

Cow butter – useful properties

Milk fats have valuable biological and taste qualities.

They include in their composition a balanced complex of fatty acids, containing a significant amount of phosphatides, and fat-soluble vitamins, have a low melting point /32-35 degrees Celsius/ and hardening /15-24 degrees Celsius/, and also easy and almost completely /90-95%/ are absorbed by the body.

The composition of cow’s butter also includes proteins, carbohydrates, some water-soluble vitamins, minerals and water contained in milk /this non-fatty part is called plasma of the butter/.

Cow butter has a high caloric value – 730 kilocalories per 100 grams and is also digestible. It contains vitamin A and D, and in the summer months also carotene.

Because milk fats are easily absorbed by the body and almost immediately a person is filled with energy. That is why a sandwich with cow butter is considered an excellent breakfast, as it gives strength and strengthens the body.

This dairy product is especially beneficial for those who suffer from periodic indigestion. The “oiled” sick stomach and duodenum recover much faster, and the healing vitamin A accelerates the healing of ulcers.

Sufferers of chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis can consume 15-20 grams of oil per day, but no more than 5-7 grams at a time.

Cholesterol is essential for the formation of biologically active substances, bile acids, sex hormones and some other hormones.

If there is not enough fat in the female body, the menstrual cycle stops and conception is impossible.

Fats are a composite cellular component and are necessary for their renewal. There are especially many fat-like compounds in nerve tissues and in the brain.

Therefore, poor and insufficiently nutritious nutrition in early childhood causes irreparable intellectual disorders.

If school-age children eat insufficiently high-fat foods, it is difficult for them to concentrate, and this also affects their success rate.

In cow butter, about 40% of the monounsaturated fatty acids are oleic acid, which is also found in significant amounts in olive oil.

This compound has a particularly beneficial effect on blood cholesterol and improves blood lipid balance. In addition, oleic acid suppresses the activity of the cancer gene.

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