

Vodka is an alcoholic drink made by mixing ethyl alcohol with water. Its alcohol concentration is usually 40%, although vodka is also commercially available with other proportions of components.

Often various additional ingredients are added to this alcoholic drink. They soften the taste of the vodka, but mostly serve the marketing positioning of its brand.

The history of this drink is quite complicated and confused. The word “vodka” itself is of Russian origin, but in the 15th century it served as the name of a drink that also contained alcohol, but was produced on the basis of herbs and roots.

The first official mention of vodka in its modern sense during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England.

Vodka – useful properties

Information about the healing properties of vodka has been refuted for many years by opponents of the use of alcoholic beverages, who do not give up in their attempts to prove how harmful alcohol and vodka in particular are .

The healing properties of vodka are used to prepare medicines for external use. Ethyl alcohol, one of the main components of vodka, exhibits antiseptic properties, and is also used as a solvent for the preparation of various tinctures based on medicinal herbs.

Vodka and tincture based on this drink are used in the application of compresses and to create various therapeutic lotions.

There is also scientific evidence for the benefits of this alcoholic drink when taken internally in small quantities /25-50 ml daily/.

Drinking vodka is believed to help reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease by inhibiting the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

People who consume small amounts of this alcoholic drink are much less likely to suffer from arthritis, cancer, colds and angina.

Taking 30 ml of vodka contributes to the normalization of sleep, improves appetite and tones the human immune system. The drink helps a person get rid of coughing attacks in bronchitis and tracheitis.

A small amount of vodka normalizes blood pressure and helps to relieve headaches.

Pointing to the benefits of using this alcoholic drink in small quantities, medical professionals emphasize that there are many alternatives to this drink that should be preferred if one does not drink alcohol.

You should not start taking vodka or other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of prevention and treatment of any diseases, as there is also a high risk of negative consequences associated with alcohol intake.


The high concentration of ethyl alcohol in vodka is the reason why this drink is contraindicated in large quantities for absolutely all people.

The above medicinal properties of this drink recede into the background when a person exceeds the maximum permissible amount, which provides health benefits of 30-50 ml per day.

And vodka is easily “enjoyed” by a person, because the alcohol contained in it causes euphoria and addiction. And the long-term use of the drink can cause serious damage to many organs and body systems.

The main harm caused by vodka is to the liver, as the load on it increases many times in connection with the removal of alcohol metabolites from the body.

Ethyl alcohol is among the main causes of the development of cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.

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