
Caries nutrition

General description of the disease

Caries is damage to the tooth, in which the hard dental tissues are gradually softened and destroyed and a cavity is formed.

Main reasons for the formation of caries

• Deteriorated environmental situation – for example, in the populated area, the quality of the drinking water is low and the fluoride in it is insufficient;

• Heredity – a person has inherited bad dental bone from his parents;

• Improper nutrition of the mother or illnesses experienced during pregnancy;

• Smoking;

• Non-observance of hygiene rules;

• Improper nutrition – excessive consumption of sugar and pasta products, insufficient amount of vitamins, trace elements, phosphorus and calcium enter the body.

• A person does not consume raw fruits and vegetables – they help to remove food residues on the teeth. It is the remaining food during its decomposition that contributes to the initiation of the processes of softening the hard dental tissues.


No or unpleasant sensations are usually observed in the first stages of development. Over time, a small yellowish spot can be seen on the crown of the tooth, which indicates the changes in the tooth enamel.

If a person does not turn to a specialist in time – the disease will develop / a cavity will appear, the tooth will be destroyed up to the very nerve endings. That’s when the toothache comes./

Foods useful for caries

To prevent and get rid of caries, a person needs to eat products that contain fluorine, calcium, vitamins of group D. These elements are of the greatest importance for resistance of dental structures, for their growth and storage.

Calcium combined with fluorine helps to strengthen the dental bone. For the good absorption of calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus are indispensable components.

This is why they need to be consumed:

• Dairy and sour products – cottage cheese, cream, cow’s butter, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, various types of cheese, including cheese and cottage cheese.

• Nuts – walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts;

• Cereals – oats, barley and semolina;

• Leguminous crops – beans, peas;
• Mustard seed;

• Garlic;

• Chicken eggs;

• Liver – pork and beef;

• Sea and fish foods – sea bass, mackerel, cod, mullet, hake, tuna, crab, shrimp, squid and oysters;

• Hard and raw fruits and vegetables – they help to clean the tooth enamel from plaque and food residues – cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, apples, pears and carrots.

The following “grandmother’s tips” also help in the fight against and prevention of caries:

• Toothpaste is recommended to be replaced with dry milk. It removes the unpleasant smell, the gums stop bleeding, the process of tooth destruction and tartar formation slows down.

• Sage decoction – add 1 tablespoon of sage to a glass of hot water and let the resulting mixture stand for about 1 hour. Then the mouth is rinsed and a soaked piece of cotton is applied to the diseased tooth. This decoction has antiseptic properties – sage destroys microbes and bacteria, and also stops the growth of caries.

• A strong enemy of caries is propolis – you need a piece of it until it turns into honey, then the resulting wax is placed in the cavity formed by caries and covered with a cotton swab, and left for 30 minutes.< /p>

Dangerous and harmful foods for caries

Sugar, chocolate – especially milk, donuts and other sugar products in large quantities. If a person feels a strong need to consume sweet foods, this is a signal that his body does not receive the necessary amount of calcium, and the lack of this macroelement is the most common reason for the development of caries.

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