
The 3 most important vitamins for the skin

Today, no one is still able to stop the passage of youth. Scientists have not found a way to keep a person forever young. But at the expense of this, today there are many ways to extend this period of life.

And how a person deals with the available information on increasing the length of youth and, most importantly, whether he takes advantage of it, depends on how much he will be able to really extend this period of his life.

Women pay special attention to the youth of the face, as it is a mirror of age changes, being the first to fall “into focus” of aging processes.

Most medical professionals, based on available scientific data and practice, recommend the use of a number of vitamins that possess unique rejuvenating properties. Here are 7 of them:

1. Vitamin A

Recently, scientists from the University of Michigan conducted a curious experiment, through which they proved the anti-aging effect of vitamin A.

The study lasted 6 months, during which the participants over the age of 60 used retinol cream, which they regularly applied to the area around the wrists and the inner surface of their hands, where the skin is practically not exposed to sunlight.

After the expiration of the 6 months, the skin of the participants in the experiment was subjected to a detailed examination and analysis, which showed that under the action of retinol, the formation of glycosaminoglycan and procollagen increases.

In turn, glycosaminoglycan contributes to improving the appearance of the skin, making it tighter, and procollagen favorably affects the overall structure of the skin.

The modern human body is catastrophically lacking in vitamin A, as very little of it is contained in the most popular food products.

What follows from this? That vitamin A should be obtained from multivitamin complexes and also from cosmetics containing retinol, which are best used before sleep.

2. Vitamin C

The fact that vitamin C or ascorbic acid is good for humans is known, even to children, as most of them love sweet and sour dragees.

Many scientific works have been written about the health benefits of this vitamin, but until recently, it was not known that with the help of ascorbic acid, the regeneration of skin cells can be facilitated.

Recent scientific research has shown that one of the forms of vitamin C /AA2P/ helps heal wounds and protects the DNA of skin cells from damage.

Regular use of vitamin C contributes to the activation of genes responsible for regeneration. Also, people consuming foods high in this vitamin are less likely to experience the signs of premature skin aging and dryness.

Scientists have also proven the effectiveness of cosmetics containing at least 5% vitamin C.

3. Vitamin B3

Nicotinic acid, the other name of vitamin B3, is essential for the formation in the human body of fatty acids and ceramides /neutral lipids with a complex structure, belonging to the class of glycolipids/ – they are one of the main components of the skin protection system.

If a person’s skin is too sensitive or dry, they probably need vitamin B3. Regular use of products containing nicotinic acid has a toning effect on the skin and provides it with an even tone.

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