
Cow milk

Most of us, since childhood, have heard from our parents, grandparents, how useful cow’s milk is. This is due to the fact that it contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals.

If a person drinks 0.5 liters of milk every day, he will get a large part of the useful nutrients he needs for the day.

Milk contains lactose, which improves the function of the heart, kidneys and liver. But it should be noted that there are people, usually at an older age, who lack the lactose enzyme and their body is unable to digest milk and lactic acid foods.

These people usually have a sudden allergic reaction to lactose. Cow’s milk contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, which favors the height growth of children.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of fresh cow’s milk

• Proteins – 3.29 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 4.71 grams;
• Sugars – 5.16 grams;
• Fats – 2 grams, of which saturated – 1.215 grams, monosaturated – 0.533 grams, polyunsaturated – 0.102 grams;
• Cholesterol – 7 mg;
• Ballast substances – 0 grams;
• Sodium – 41 mg;
• Potassium – 148 mg;

How many calories are in cow’s milk?

Answering this question is not so easy. The caloric content of milk can be different, as it depends not only on the milk fat content, but also on the producer.

Conditionally, it is assumed that the energy value of 100 grams of milk is 50 kilocalories, of which 36% are fat, 38% carbohydrates, 26% protein.

Beneficial properties

The claims about the benefits of cow’s milk for the body are true, as the large amount of calcium contained in it makes it extremely useful for strengthening teeth and bones.

Since ancient times, cow’s milk has been used as a remedy for diseases of the nervous system.

Regular use of dairy products in the morning helps to reduce drowsiness and strengthen the psyche. If milk is drunk before sleep, it has a calming effect and contributes to increasing the quality of sleep.

Cow’s milk has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and lowers the risk of developing diseases of the tissues and organs of this system.

American scientists proved that the daily use of 1 cup of cow’s milk helps to strengthen heart functions and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 37%.

There are many myths about milk and its properties for increasing body mass. Many people refuse to drink milk, asking themselves the question “Can I gain weight from milk?”.

For example, a study was conducted in Canada that showed that people who follow a diet and regularly drink cow’s milk can lose 4 kilograms more than those who only follow a diet to reduce body weight.


Cow’s milk is not recommended for use by people suffering from allergies, as it refers to food allergens and can cause bronchial asthma.

If a person develops the following symptoms – skin itching, rash, vomiting, excessive gas formation, nausea, bloating, then the intake of milk should be categorically prohibited.

But if a person has an allergy to fresh milk, this does not mean that other lactic acid products are also prohibited, such as cheese, yellow cheese, and many cases have been described in which people who are hypersensitive to fresh milk do not develop allergic reactions when using yogurt.

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