

Blueberry is a berry plant belonging to the Pyrene family, genus Borovinca, whose fruits are tasty, aromatic and very useful.

They are used to make compotes, jams, jellies, they are also consumed fresh and juice is made from them.

In nature, blueberry bushes are almost always adjacent to those of wild rosemary, which release volatile headache-inducing compounds.

Even earlier, the blueberry was believed to affect the human body in this way and was called “drunken”, “head ache” and “headache”, etc.

In terms of its nutritional composition, the fruits of this type of blueberry bush are superior to many other fruits.
The wealth and abundance of valuable components in the composition of the blueberry also explain its beneficial properties in terms of human health.

Nutritional value for 100 grams of blueberry

• Proteins – 1 gram;
• Fats – 0.5 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 6.6 grams;
• Mineral salts – 0.3 grams;
• Mono and disaccharides – 6.6 grams;
• Water – 87.7 grams;
• Organic acids – 1.4 grams;
• Calorie content – ​​61 kilocalories;

Blueberry berries contain a number of vital vitamins – provitamin A, carotenoids, vitamins B1, B2, nicotinic and ascorbic acid, vitamin K and P.

And also mineral salts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, organic acids – citric, malic, acetic, oxalic and benzoic.

The composition of the fruits of this type of blueberry includes 6 essential amino acids, tannins, pectin, dyes, plant fibers and sugars.

Anthocyanins are particularly valuable, as they enhance the action of antioxidants, they are in a much larger amount in the blueberry than in the black /1600 mg in the blue and 400 mg in the black cranberry/.

These substances determine the rejuvenating and anti-carcinogenic beneficial properties of this type of blueberry. The regular use of these berries favors the regeneration of the skin, the formation of natural collagen and the cleansing of blood vessels from accumulated harmful amounts of cholesterol.

Due to the fact that the walls of capillaries and arteries become more flexible and elastic, the volume of blood flow increases and the cells are saturated with oxygen.

The content of pectin, vegetable fibers and tannins are the reason why the blueberry is an excellent means of cleansing the body of toxins, slags, salts of heavy metals and radionuclides /strontium and cobalt/.

The caloric content of the blueberry is low, and therefore this fruit can be consumed without restrictions by people who adhere to strict diets, as well as by those who do not want to change their eating habits, but want to lose weight.

As a result of conducted studies, it was found that even with the use of fatty foods, the regular consumption of blueberries allows to lower the levels of triglycerides /neutral fats/ and also contributes to the reduction of fat in the abdominal area.< /p>

The results of a number of scientific studies also show that these berries allow to significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome.

Blueberry has a positive effect on the nervous system, as it contains magnesium, which has an effective calming effect.

And in the treatment of diabetes, these berries are an indispensable helper, as they enhance the effect of blood sugar-lowering drugs.

Fresh blue blueberry has a strong antimicrobial effect. The use of these fruits is an excellent way to prevent many infectious diseases, such as dysentery.

It is a surprising fact that blueberry juice is much more beneficial than lemon, apple and grape juice.

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