

Grape – the fruit or fruits of a genus of plants known by the name in Bulgarian as vine. It has been known to man since ancient times and is perhaps one of the first that people began to cultivate when they began to lead a sedentary lifestyle.

In the Bible, for example, it is said that the grape or the vine was the first plant that appeared on earth and it was with it that the first people on the planet – Adam and Eve – ate.

Furthermore, it is not unimportant that this particular plant is mentioned in the holy book of Christians more times than any other.

The fruits of the vine are spherical or oval, which are collected in smaller or larger groups, which are more familiar in colloquial Bulgarian with the name salkami.

Scientists have calculated that in order for an adult to obtain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals contained only in grapes, he must eat 65-70 kilograms of this fruit per year, but in the best case, most of us manage to consume no more than 30 kilograms.

And it is for this reason that today grapes are considered more of a delicacy than a simple food.

Nutritional value in 100 grams

• Proteins – 0.6 grams;
• Fats – 0.6 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 15.5 grams;
• Mineral content – 0.6 grams;
• Water – 80.4 grams;
• Calorie content – ​​72 kilocalories;

Grapes – useful properties

Grapes contain from 2.5 to 6% free and bound salts of the following organic acids in a ratio of 60% malic acid and 40% – tartaric, gluconic, citric, succinic and oxalate.

Free acids give fruit a sour taste, and bound acids do not affect it. In grape juice, the contained free acids are within 0.2-0.6%.

Vine fruits are a source of mineral salts and trace elements necessary for the human body. More than 60% of the entire mineral composition of grapes is potassium, which improves heart and kidney function.

100 grams of grape juice contains – 6-98 mg of manganese, 5-12 mg of magnesium, 16-22 mg of nickel and relatively smaller amounts of cobalt, aluminum, silicon, chromium, boron, etc.

These minerals are often essential for the formation of elements of enzymes, hormones, proteins and a number of important organic complexes.

Grapes also contain a large amount of vitamins necessary for humans, such as /values ​​are per 100 grams/:

• Vitamin A /retinol/ – 0.1 mg;
• Vitamin B1 /thiamine/ – 0.05 mg;
• Vitamin B2 /riboflavin/ – 0.02 mg;
• Niacin /vitamin B3 or PP/ – 0.3 mg;
• Vitamin B5 /pantothenic acid/ – 0.18 mg;
• Vitamin B6 /pyridoxine/ – 0.6 mg;
• Folic acid /vitamin B9/ – 4 μg /microgram/;
• Vitamin C /ascorbic acid/ – 6 mg;
• Biotin /vitamin H/ – 4 μg;
• Vitamin K /phylloquinone/ – 0.5-2.0 μg;
br/> • Vitamin P /flavonoids/ – 45 μg;

Grape fruits contain from 0.2 to 1.5% pectin compounds.

The presence of essential amino acids – lysine, histidine, arginine, methionine, leucine and the replaceable – cystine and glycine, which are essential for normal metabolism in the human body, was also found in them.

Grape seeds contain up to 20% solid oil with a high fat content /grape oil/, tannins, 0.8% lecithin, vanillin and phlobaphenes /red amorphous compounds/.


It is undesirable to consume grapes and their juice in diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, chronic and acute colitis, enterocolitis, acute forms of tuberculosis and in the advanced stage of metabolic syndrome.

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