
Turkey meat

The homeland of the turkey is America, and it was first imported to Europe in 1520.

The taste of its amazing meat was liked by the Europeans, since then it began to be cultivated to meet the needs of the household, as well as on an industrial scale.

Male turkeys sometimes reach a height of 1.2 m and a weight of 22 kg. These birds are very demanding regarding the availability of space and need a strictly balanced whole food.

It is desirable that there is access to green pastures from the place where the turkeys are raised.

Nutritional value in 100 grams

• Proteins – 23.5 grams;
• Fats – 1.6 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 0;
• Mineral content – ​​1 gram ;
• Water – 74 grams;
• Calorie content – ​​115 kilocalories;

Turkey meat – beneficial properties

Turkey is a tasty and healthy dietary meat. Compared to other types of poultry meat, turkey fat is rich in vitamin A and E and contains very little cholesterol.

In addition, turkey is easily digested and absorbed by the body and can rightly be called a dietary food product.

This meat is rich in such trace elements as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sulfur, selenium, iron, sodium, magnesium, iodine, manganese. And also the following vitamins – PP, B6, B12, B2.

In terms of taste, turkey takes its place between chicken and beef. Simply put, this meat is tastier than chicken and more easily absorbed by the human body than veal and beef.

However, the sodium content /the main intracellular element/in turkey is significantly higher than that in veal and beef.

The properties of this mineral in the body are very important – it is part of the blood plasma and ensures the normal flow of metabolic processes throughout the body.

Therefore, significantly less salt can be used in the preparation of turkey meat, which is a huge advantage for hypertensives and also for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.


For people who suffer from these diseases, the additional addition of salt to food is very likely to cause an increase in blood plasma volume, which means an increase in blood pressure.

Turkey is used when following a dietary diet, as well as in the production of sausages and for the preparation of pelmeni.

Because this type of meat is an excellent source of proteins, and precisely because of this, when a person consumes it, he provides himself with a large amount of energy, more than from any other type of meat.

It is important to note that turkey is no less rich in phosphorus than fish.

This meat contains vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid, the lack of which can cause the development of such diseases as avitaminosis, cellulite, brain disorders.

Turkey, when combined with light foods, contributes to reducing the risk even of cancer by several times.


People suffering from gout or kidney failure should be careful with the consumption of turkey, because due to the presence of large amounts of proteins, complications of these diseases may develop.

In addition, this type of meat is rich in sodium, therefore doctors recommend that hypertensive patients not add salt in the process of its preparation.

The most correct from the point of view of a healthy way of eating is to boil the turkey, as it does not lose its valuable properties.

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