

Hake, also known as “hake”, is a species of marine fish inhabiting depths of 100 and 1000 meters, belonging to the Hake family, Codfish order. ;

The average body length of this fish is 2 to 3 kg. The meat of hake is more tender and fattier than that of cod, and the fillet easily separates from the bones. It is used as a dietary food and is very well absorbed by the body.

In European countries, hake has long been recognized as the best representative of the order Codfish, due to its high nutritional qualities and low fat content in its meat.

Nutritional value

The hake fillet mainly consists of proteins /16.6 grams per 100 grams/. The fat in 100 grams of meat from this fish is only 2.2 grams. At the same time, hake contains saturated fatty acids 0.6 mg, a large amount of potassium – 335 mg, phosphorus – 240 mg, sulfur – 200 mg, chlorine – 165 mg, sodium – 75 mg, magnesium – 35 mg and calcium – 30 mg.

The content of vitamins A, E, C, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9, as well as iron, copper, manganese, cobalt and iodine, makes the meat of this fish an indispensable element of medical nutrition.

Since the energy value of the raw hake fillet is 86 kilocalories, its use in weight loss diets is not only permissible, but even desirable.

The calorie content of this fish, when boiled in a small amount of water, increases to 95 kilocalories. Marinated hake contains 117 kilocalories, and in light mayonnaise up to 121 kilocalories.

When the hake fillet is fried in vegetable oil and batter (flour, milk, egg, salt) it acquires an energy value of 204 kilocalories.

Beneficial properties of hake meat

The health benefits of this fish have been well researched. The protein fibers in it are easily broken down in the digestive system and are almost completely absorbed by the body, thus favoring tissue regeneration.

Vitamins, macro and microelements included in the composition of hake meat regulate the function of the digestive system, promote normal metabolism and generally have a beneficial effect on health.

Application in medicine

In medicine, hake is used as a basic element in the observance of a healing diet.

Due to the lack of coarse dietary fiber, low fat content, rich mineral and vitamin composition, hake meat is widely used as a medicinal food for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal disorders.

It is also recommended when recovering from past infectious diseases.

Due to the high content of riboflavin, folic and ascorbic acid, doctors recommend regularly preparing dishes with hake for children and the elderly, due to the fact that these important food components that activate metabolic processes in the tissues of the brain.< /p>

In addition, regular consumption of hake meat rich in saturated fatty acids is an excellent way to prevent diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular and neurological diseases.

Abstinence from the use of this fish is recommended by doctors only to people who are in the recovery period after surgery on internal organs.

It is important to note that commercially, hake is mostly available deep-frozen, ice-covered. The quick freezing method contributes to the preservation of all the nutritional and taste qualities of this fish and prevents it from drying out during the storage process.

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