
You don’t drink water? Kidney stones await you!

In research published recently, it is clear that doctors recommend that we increase our intake of water throughout the day.

This means drinking about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day to make sure our body is hydrated enough.

The “standard” is for the production of at least 2 liters of urine per day.

Doctors also call for limiting the intake of “Coca Cola”.

In one study cited by the American College of Physicians, it was found that the kidneys of people who took part in this study and agreed to switch drinks , who use have increased their efficiency by about 15%.

Especially “Coca Cola” products are additionally acidified with phosphoric acid, which is harmful to the human body and leads to “rusting” of all organs.

The evidence is not officially confirmed 100%, but it is indicative, says the president of a medical organization – David Fleming.

“If I see patients with a history of kidney stones, the first question I ask them is – how many sodas do you drink a day?”

“If I find out that someone drinks 3-4 glasses of soft drinks a day, I will immediately recommend that they either limit these harmful drinks to 1 glass a day or, if they can’t, just give up this harmful habit


So, the connection between soft drinks, coke and any other kind of harmful carbonated drinks and kidney stones remains on the agenda.

There are still studies dealing with this topic, but final conclusions are lacking.

Scientists suggest that phosphorus oxidises urine and this is one of the main causes of this problem.

“In an acidic environment kidney stones form very easily. It’s like a pig living in a sty. It’s just that the environment is favorable, and once it is, the only decision and action we can take is to not provide an acidic environment to our body. This is a top recommendation!” – added Fleming.

However, if you increase your daily water intake to 2, 3 or 4 litres, it is still not certain that you are insured. There are simply no sure things in medicine, but on the other hand, there are many exceptions.

But in a study found about 5 years ago, it was proven that drinking water definitely helps.

The participants were divided into 2 groups. In one group, people drank the minimum vital amount of water per day, that is, about 2 liters, and the other group hydrated constantly, drinking about 3-4 liters per day. p>

The result is that people in the first group have a higher risk of developing kidney stones than those in the second group, by about 27%.

So, despite the fact that nothing has been officially proven yet, the best decision that people prone to kidney stones can make is to drink more fluids (water, tea, milk, and not fizzy drinks, coke, tonic, etc.).

Of course, scientists are working on other versions involving natural products that can be used to treat similar problems.

For example, they found that a diet rich in plant foods and fiber can dramatically reduce the risk of kidney stones.

“And if despite all these prescriptions do not help, it is best to consult your personal doctor and start immediate drug therapy.” – also added Fleming.

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