

Herring is a type of fish belonging to the herring family. It is also known as herring. The body of this fish is laterally flattened and its belly appears pointed.

Herring size is defined as medium or large and rarely small. Her upper jaw does not protrude in front of the lower one.

Her dorsal fin is just above her ventral fin and her tail is forked. This type of fish includes 60 species whose range of distribution is seas and oceans in temperate, warm and partially cold climate zones.

Some species of herring are purely marine and never enter freshwater, others belong to migratory fish and enter rivers to spawn. The food of this fish consists of various small animals, especially small crustaceans.

It is recommended to store the herring /salted and marinated/ in a dark and cool place. Under the influence of light, air and moisture, the fat in the flesh of this fish acquires a rancid taste as it oxidizes.

Is herring fish useful?

Herring is easily digested by the human body and that is why it is one of the best sources of protein. In addition, the meat of this fish contains large amounts of the following minerals – phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine.

From just 100 grams of herring, a person can get up to half of his daily protein intake. Fatty fish, such as herring, provide the human body with at least 2 times more calories than white fish.

In contrast to saturated fats of animal origin, unsaturated fatty acids from fish meat are considered, including by the scientific community, to be much more beneficial.

According to scientists, it is the omega-3 fatty acids contained in herring that contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, reduce the risk of blood clot formation in blood vessels, and also help to improve blood circulation in the capillaries. Herring meat is extremely useful for pregnant women.

Mature herring, which is suitable for human consumption, contains up to 25% fat, about 20% protein, vitamins B12, A, D and nicotinic acid.

Herring proteins also include essential fatty acids.
There is evidence that regular use of herring helps to alleviate some of the symptoms of psoriasis, to improve vision and brain functions.

Fish oils are 5 times more effective than vegetable oils when it comes to lowering blood cholesterol levels. The fats contained in the liver of the herring are rich in vitamins A and D. And its muscle tissue is a valuable source of vitamins of group B, which help the absorption of proteins.

Scientific studies show that the consumption of herring contributes to the increase in the body’s levels of so-called “good” cholesterol, thereby significantly reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

The authors of another study found that the fat from herring meat affects fat cells – adipocytes, reducing their size and thus reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Consumption of herring also reduces the blood plasma concentration of free radicals, as it contains antioxidants.

Recently, more and more scientific data has emerged, concluding that regular consumption of oily fish, such as herring, prevents asthma.

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