

Salmon is a type of fish belonging to the Trout family. Its body is elongated and more or less laterally flattened, its mouth is narrowed and protrudes significantly forward.

The back of this fish is bluish-gray in color, and the sides of its body are covered with not many silver and black spots /sometimes, however, sometimes there are no spots at all/. Her belly is silver-white, and her fins are dark gray.

Its length varies within 50-150 cm, and the weight from 15 to 30 kg., but in exceptional cases it reaches 45 kilograms.

Salmon is a migratory fish. For 3 years after birth, the fish lives in fresh water and is therefore classified as a freshwater fish. The main part of the salmon offered on the Bulgarian market originates from the Scandinavian countries and less often from Canada.

This fish is particularly popular as a delicacy. It has been established that in the Middle Ages it was known mainly to Western Europeans, Australians and Scots.

Beneficial properties of salmon meat

Salmon meat contains a lot of fat, but it is mostly unsaturated fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on blood lipid levels.

This fish is rich in potassium, phosphorus and it also contains calcium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, zinc, chromium, fluorine, mobilden, nickel, vitamin B1, B2, C, E, PP and A.


Salmon roe contains 30% proteins of high nutritional value, which is extremely rare for proteins of animal origin, and 10-13% easily digestible fats.

The caviar of this fish is rich in lecithin, vitamins A, E, D, those of group B, and is also a source of phosphorus and iron and other mineral substances and organic compounds necessary for the normal development of the body, for skin cells, to normalize blood pressure and increase hemoglobin.

This is because the proteins of salmon roe are complete and they refer mainly to globulins and albumins.

The fat in caviar is characterized by the fact that the amount of iodine is higher than in salmon meat and contains a large amount of very useful polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Caviar fat contains a large amount of “good” cholesterol – from 1.5 to 14%, lecithin – from 1.0 to 43.0%.

The proteins and fats contained in red salmon roe are useful for cellular renewal. In addition, the composition of red caviar does not contain carbohydrates and harmful fats.

It has been established that the nutrients contained in the salmon roe intensively act on the skin, preventing its aging process and promoting the recovery of the affected skin areas.

First of all, fish oil protects the arteries by thinning the blood, just like aspirin, thus preventing the formation of blood clots that can become the cause of heart attack and stroke.

The fat in salmon meat helps to lower the levels of triglycerides, which are potentially dangerous substances for health.

Also, they /fats/ regulate heart rhythm, make coronary arteries more elastic and help suppress inflammatory processes that can cause serious and life-threatening diseases such as cancer, arthritis, psoriasis, diabetes.

From the data of scientific research carried out several years ago, it is established that omega-3 fatty acids, which are in significant quantity in salmon, have the ability to affect the processes of biological aging of the human body.

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