
How to protect our thyroid gland

The thyroid gland definitely plays a very important role in our body.

It is a butterfly-shaped gland located just above the collarbone.

It is one of the important glands that have an internal secretion and that produces hormones – very important for our body.

But unfortunately, if we want this gland to function normally, we have to take good care of it, that is, of our whole body.

One of the most common diseases of this gland are hyperthyroidism, when we produce more hormones than we need, and hypothyroidism, when there is a deficiency of hormones in the body produced in our thyroid gland.

Other conditions can be thyroid cancer,thyroid nodules (lumps in the thyroid gland), Hashimoto’s disease, goiter and thyroiditis strong> – inflammation of the gland.

According to the American Thyroid Association, more than 12% of the US population suffers from diseases of this gland or is extremely vulnerable to these diseases.

Hypothyroidism is much more common than hyperthyroidism, although the two diseases are extremely closely related.

However, they have several important differences that depend on how the human body will be affected and what the treatment should be.

Continue reading down to find out the most common symptoms by which you can know that you are suffering from various thyroid disorders.

1. Fatigue and sleep disturbances

Fatigue is first among the symptoms of hypoglycemia.

You think you can sleep forever and the standard 8 hours don’t seem like enough?

Or if you sleep “only” 8-9 hours, after waking up you feel like you have been hit with a wet rag?

If so, it is very likely that you are suffering from thyroid disease. If you are not a fan of medication, you can try alternative treatment, through different types of physical exercise or by taking different natural remedies such as herbs etc.

However, before taking any treatment, you must consult your personal doctor.

2. Weight Changes

Do you gain weight easily and find it extremely difficult to lose weight? This is one of the most common symptoms of hypoglycemia.

This problem is often due to an extremely slow metabolism. Through sport, appropriate nutritional supplements and a perfect diet, you can lose weight and significantly speed up your metabolism.

But in the end what you are given is what it is! You can fight, but you can’t rearrange your genes, or in other words you’ll speed up your metabolism, but you’ll never become one of those people who eats 4 donuts and doesn’t gain a pound.

3. Mood and mental problems.

If you often feel sad for no reason or are often negative and prone to depression, you probably have thyroid problems .

When it produces too few hormones, you become much darker and are often under the influence of mental disorders.

The thyroid gland also affects the amount of serotonin in the brain.

If you can’t concentrate for long periods of time, feel like your mind isn’t sharp and clear, or just have a poor memory, you may be suffering from thyroid disease, which requires immediate consult your personal physician.

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