
How to recognize and treat a cold allergy

Cold allergy is a special type of allergic reaction occurring as a result of the impact of cold, cold water or ice on the skin or parts of the body. In this case, unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of a rash, itching, burning, blisters and swelling of the skin.

Without adequate therapy, almost any form of cold allergy makes a person’s life extremely uncomfortable in the cold winter weather.
Usually, cold allergy usually manifests itself at a young age – from 20 to 30 years old.

Symptoms of such an allergic disease gradually subside after 5-7 years and without special treatment, and the initial exacerbation is the most pronounced.

In a period of exacerbation, usually in cool and humid weather, antihistamines and other antiallergic agents are prescribed to relieve the condition.

It is necessary to undergo a full course of examination by an allergist and a therapist, since chronic infections in the nasopharynx, parasites and diseased teeth most often contribute to exacerbations.

Treatment of cold allergy

In recent years, a special way of impact is used for the treatment of cold urticaria – autolymphotherapy. This method helps a person to practically completely get rid of the allergy or significantly alleviate its manifestation.

This method of treatment is carried out by injecting 8 consecutive times lymphocytes separated from the patient’s blood. Injections are given with an interval of 2 days, and the total duration of the course is 3 to 4 weeks. The method is safe and has no contraindications.

Additional measures for the treatment of cold allergy are systemic tempering with a gradual lowering of the external impact temperatures through dousing, showers and frictions. In addition, for each of the types of cold allergy there are methods of local impact in order to relieve the symptoms.

Prevention of cold allergy

In cold weather and when cold urticaria occurs, it is necessary to protect the hands with warm gloves with cotton lining.

It is also necessary to apply protective agents to the palms, protecting the skin from excessive drying. In case of development of urticaria on the skin, antiallergic ointments to hormonal agents can be applied.

When dermatitis appears on the face, it is advisable to abandon moisturizing creams in favor of special protective ones, it is recommended to use wide hats and the face should be covered with a scarf.

For a cold, before leaving the house, it is advisable to put antihistamine tablets in the nose. In the cold, it is necessary to breathe only through the nose, and the mouth and nose must be covered with a scarf.

In case of conjunctivitis, drops with an antihistamine component and the cessation of the use of decorative cosmetics – that is, make-up, lipsticks, etc., would bring relief.

If the lips are affected, anti-itch and anti-allergic ointments help, lipsticks are contraindicated, it is recommended to apply an oily lip balm and vitamin A.

The fight against cold asthma attacks is the most difficult – when choosing suitable preparations, consultation with an allergist and pulmonologist is necessary. In such cases, it is also very important to breathe only through the nose and cover it and the mouth with a handkerchief or scarf.

In the treatment of cold allergy, it is important to follow the principles of a hypoallergenic diet, thus lowering the blood levels of potentially allergenic proteins.

During the exacerbation, it is recommended to abstain from strong coffee and cocoa, chocolates, citrus fruits and seafood. It is also important to avoid such foods that contribute to the release of histamine – spinach, lettuce, arugula, moldy types of cheese and mackerel.

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