
Let’s lose weight with sandwiches

When we decide to lose a few kilos, we quite often despair, because it turns out that many of our favorite foods fall on the list of prohibitions. However, this is not quite the case. With a little creativity, we can come up with wonderful delicacies and include almost anything in our menu. One of the things that give the greatest opportunity to experiment are sandwiches – one of everyone’s favorite foods. You might think that sandwiches are a junk food that only carries empty calories. Perhaps for some sandwiches this is true, but not all. Let’s see four golden rules that will allow us to include our favorite food in our menu every day.

Rule number one – clean protein.

Stay away from fatty meats and learn to think dietary instead. There are many options to suit everyone’s taste, but one of the best is to make your sandwich with chicken breast – no fat, just clean and tasty meat. But it’s not just that. You can make a sandwich with shrimp, crab or a piece of grilled fish. Any lean meat can fit in nicely.

Rule number two – whole grain bread.

It is needless to mention how caloric bread is, and white bread can simply be written off the menu without any scruples. Fortunately, there are a huge variety of diet breads that are very high in fiber and contain loads of other seeds, sprouts and so on. In addition to whole-wheat breads, there are also various whole-wheat d̦ner breads that are even thinner and low-calorie. It is also very important to pay attention to the quantity Рinstead of making one double sandwich, make only one or two single ones.

Rule number three – vegetables.

For a sandwich to be really tasty, it doesn’t have to be greasy. You can use different types of vegetables to achieve an amazing taste. Onions, tomatoes and lettuce are just a few of the possible vegetables to put on your sandwich. And of course, make sure the vegetables are raw – that way they will be more filling and full of vitamins. So you will realize that for a sandwich to be filling, there is no need to have a lot of bread.

Rule number four – what to spread the sandwich with?

While sandwiches without spreads are healthier, they are definitely a bit boring and not as tasty. It’s another thing to put something on a dry slice of bread. Mayonnaise is certainly not the best solution. There are far better options with some low-calorie salad dressings that are even tastier. It’s also a good idea to spread avocado puree on your sandwich.

Now that you already know that you can lose weight with sandwiches, everything is in your hands. A sandwich with lots of vegetables can be the perfect meal for the evening – small in quantity, very tasty and very healthy.

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