

The peanut or peanut turns out not to be a nut at all, but a legume. Its homeland is considered to be the foothills of the Bolivian Andes in South America.

In the 16th century, the peanut was imported by the Portuguese to their colony of Macau, in Southeast Asia from India or China. And, perhaps, it is for this reason that the fruits of the leguminous plant were originally called Chinese walnuts.

The word “peanut” itself is of Greek origin «αράχνη», which means spider – probably because the texture of the fruit resembles a spider’s web.

In shape, they resemble cocoons and ripen like potatoes underground, hence their other name “peanuts”.

The nuts /seeds/ are of a different shape and are enclosed inside this cocoon /bean/. They can be black-purple, light and dark red, light pink, and even variegated.

Nutritional value per 100 grams
• Proteins – 26.3 grams;
• Fats – 45.2 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 9.9 grams;
• Calorie content – ​​551 kilocalories;


They also contain vitamin B1, B2, niacin, vitamin C, as well as such useful substances as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium and phosphorus.

Peanuts – useful properties

These nuts are extremely useful – they contain a large amount of antioxidants, which are mainly represented by polyphenols.

Thanks to this, they are used as a preventive measure for diseases of the cardiovascular system, to prevent the processes of early aging and the development of malignant tumors.

Scientific research in recent years puts the “peanut” on the same level as strawberries and blackberries, and in terms of antioxidant effect it is second only to the pomegranate.

The beneficial nutrients contained in peanuts – the proteins, make them belong to the group of foods that create a relatively quick feeling of satiety.

Peanuts have a choleretic effect, which makes them extremely valuable for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum.

They also have a beneficial effect on the sexual and excretory systems, help renew cells, improve a person’s ability to concentrate and remember information.

Most of us are familiar with the taste of these nuts, but few realize that they are also a valuable oil crop. Because peanuts belong to legumes, which means they contain 60% fat and 30% protein.

For this reason, most of the peanut crop is processed into oil.


Unfortunately, the consumption of peanuts also has negative sides. They slow down blood flow, making it thicker, and thus these nuts harm blood vessels.

They are also contraindicated in people with varicose veins.

But the biggest “minus” of peanuts is their allergenic effect when consumed too often. An allergic reaction can manifest itself as reddening of the skin, itching, vomiting, heartburn and even laryngeal drainage and anaphylactic shock.

A large amount of protein can harm people with osteoarthritis, arthritis and gout.

And the last thing that can harm is the high caloric content. Therefore, if a person has decided to lose weight and make his figure slim, he should not abuse these nuts.

To achieve these goals, it is desirable to adhere to the recommendations of nutritionists not to consume more than 30 grams of peanuts, and it is best to limit them to 20.

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