

Black pepper is one of the most common spices that must be present in the kitchen of every self-respecting housewife.

Black pepper is a bushy plant of the Pepper family. Its homeland is the Malabar Islands in India, which is why this spice is often called the “Malabar fruit”.

The fruits of the plant resemble peas, but are smaller in size. Depending on the time of collection and also on the production technology, red, green and white pepper is obtained.

All varieties of pepper are used in cooking, but black pepper is the most popular. In nature, the black pepper bush grows tall, wrapping itself around neighboring trees that are at least 1.80 meters tall.

From the moment when pepper began to be grown in plantations, the use of special wooden posts began to limit the growth of the bush to 4-5 meters.

And in general, the height of the bush can reach up to 15 meters. The leaves of the black pepper bush are up to 10 cm long.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of black pepper

100 grams of black pepper contain 12.5 grams of water, 25.3 grams of vegetable fiber, 10.4 grams of protein, 38.6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.3 grams of fat, 4.5 grams of mineral salts and the following vitamins – beta carotene /A/, thiamine /B1/, riboflavin /B2/, niacin /PP/, choline /B4/, pantothenic acid /B5/, pyridoxine /B6/, folic acid /B9/, ascorbic acid /vitamin C/, tocopherol /vitamin E/, phylloquinone /vitamin K/, macroelements – phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium; trace elements – fluorine, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron. The energy value of black pepper is 250 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Beneficial properties

The nutritional value of black pepper has been highly valued since ancient times. For example, ancient Indian doctors used it to treat coughs, sore throats, flu, asthma and as a pain reliever.

And the ancient Greek physicians Hippocrates, Democritus and Pliny the Elder described the health benefits of black pepper in their works. Black pepper has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, general strengthening, bactericidal, anthelmintic, expectorant and diuretic effects.

This spice increases the body’s resistance to stress and also improves the function of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine and respiratory systems.

The composition of the pepper includes the alkaloid capsaicin, which gives it its characteristic pungent taste, and also stimulates the metabolism, stimulates the appetite, restores the function of the pancreas and the stomach, thins the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, lowers blood pressure.

Doctors recommend the use of black pepper for fatigue, stress, depression, chronic indigestion, lack of appetite, colds, fever, high fever, vitiligo, obesity, metabolic disorders.

Black pepper is a very suitable spice for the winter months, as it warms the body and stimulates the function of the sweat glands, thus cleansing the body of accumulated toxic substances and slags. And in this way, the separation of the salts of heavy metals accumulated in the tissues is also stimulated.

Medicinal properties

Potassium salts contained in this popular spice help control heart rate and blood pressure, and the larger amounts of calcium help strengthen bones and teeth.

Besides black pepper being a carminative, it also helps to reduce the volume of fat cells.

A study regarding the properties of this popular spice shows that the growth of some types of bacteria is suppressed when it is applied, scientists conclude based on these data that black pepper increases the body’s defenses.

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