

The plum is the fruit of the tree of the same name, reaching a height of 3 to 8 meters and belonging to the Rosaceae family. Its leaves are simple, lance-shaped with serrated ends.

Plum flowers are usually white or pink, with 5 petals and 5 sepals, single or in inflorescences of 2 to 6. The plum fruits have a relatively large stone.

The homeland of the plant is Asia, and now it is grown almost everywhere, because the plum tree bears fruit early in significant quantities and easily adapts to soil and climatic conditions.

Plum fruits are fleshy and come in a variety of colors, with the predominant trees in Bulgaria producing dark blue plums that reach maturity between the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, i.e. August and September.

Plum – useful properties

Plums contain from 9 to 17% sugars – fructose, glucose and sucrose, vitamin A, B1, B2, C, P. These fruits are very rich in potassium and phosphorus, they are also a source of calcium, magnesium, iron, and small amounts of boron, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel and chromium have been found.

Plums contain pectin, tannins, nitrogenous substances and organic acids – malic, citric, oxalic and traces of salicylic.

Plum seeds contain up to 42% oil, which is similar in composition to almond oil and contains more significant amounts of flavonoids and amino acids.

In the fruits and leaves of the plum, scientists have recently discovered coumarins, which have the ability to prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, treat thrombosis, and also dilate coronary arteries.

Plum leaves contain vitamin C, carotenoids and phytoncides and the coumarin derivative substance scopoletin.
The presence of the compounds rhamnose, xylose, arabinose, galactose was found in the resin of the plum tree.

The plum is used in medicine, cooking and cosmetics.

In medicine, the fruits of the plum tree increase appetite, increase peristalsis of the intestines, have a mild laxative and diuretic effect.

In addition, prune compotes are useful for atherosclerosis, kidney diseases, rheumatism and gout. Also, their consumption normalizes the motor-secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract.

The fruits of the plum tree suffer from anemia and cardiovascular diseases.

Fresh and dried plums, as well as juices and compotes from their fleshy parts, have a mild laxative effect and are therefore recommended for constipation and intestinal atony.

Dried fruits contribute to the release of excess cholesterol from the body. Plums are recommended for kidney diseases and hypertension.

Potassium compounds contained in the fruits of the plum tree are responsible for their mild diuretic properties, as they remove excess sodium and water from the body.

Not only fresh, but also dried ones are useful. But since they are more caloric than fresh ones, they are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

Nursing women should also refrain from eating prunes, as it can cause diarrhea, colic and colic in their babies.

The fruits of the plum tree are easily digestible. In addition, they support the hematopoietic process, relax the muscles of the lower part of the digestive system and cleanse the stomach.

Plums are very effective in the treatment of diseases due to increased activity of bile and those characterized by increased body temperature.

The fruits of the plum tree strengthen the liver, purify the blood, removing toxic substances from the body.

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