

Rice refers to the group of annual and perennial herbaceous plants of the cereal family. Starch and various cereals are produced from rice grains, and oil is obtained from rice germs.

Traditional rice wine is popular in China. In Japan, rice is used to make sake and special sweets for tea ceremonies. Rice straw is used to make rice paper, cardboard and knitted goods.

Rice bran is used in animal husbandry as animal feed.

The homeland of rice is India and the entire Indochina peninsula. Many wild species are still found there – the ancestors of cultivated rice. Much later, when humans created irrigation systems, the herbaceous plant began to grow originally in the valleys of the great rivers.

Rice – composition

Rice is an important source of several B vitamins – thiamin /B1/, riboflavin /B2/, niacin /B3/ and B6, vitamin E, carotene, which contribute to strengthening of the nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the hair, skin and nails.

The cereal crop contains a sufficient amount of microelements necessary for the human body – potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, calcium, iodine and selenium.

Rice is a valuable source of complex carbohydrates, therefore it has a high nutritional value without being caloric, on the contrary, it contributes to reducing body weight.

Cereal contains 8 amino acids, which are necessary for the human body in the creation of new cells. The presence of 7-8% proteins was found in the composition of the rice grains.

It is not unimportant that rice, unlike other cereals, does not contain gluten – a plant protein that is a strong allergen and can cause allergic reactions.

In addition, it contains lecithin, which has been found to function as an activator of brain activity and an oligosaccharide that restores intestinal peristalsis.

Rice grains are a source of a wide variety of valuable vitamins, minerals and microelements such as potassium, which contributes to the removal of excess water from the adipose tissue of the human body. In addition, 50% of rice is starch, which is easily digestible and an excellent source of energy.

Rice grains are an ideal means of cleansing the body of toxins and impurities, as they are low in calories and their consumption stimulates the function of the digestive system.

The best variety for this purpose is brown, unpolished rice. Of course, white unprocessed/long grain/rice can sometimes be used for variety.

It is important not to add salt to rice dishes, as sodium /contained in salt/ binds to water and retains it in the body. It is very important to drink at least 2 liters of mineral water and an additional 3 cups of herbal tea such as nettle, birch leaves or juniper berries.

These teas also contribute to the removal of excess fluids from the body.
The useful substances in rice also include complex carbohydrates /starch/, therefore it satiates when consumed, but is not heavy on the stomach.

The more processed the rice grains are, the less vitamins and minerals they contain.

The germ of the new plant and the snow-white rice grain, containing starch, are hidden under a layer of brownish husk, which also contains a large part of the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.


Frequent consumption of rice can cause constipation, which is not favorable for the intestines.

And it should also be noted that the husk of the rice grain also contains some harmful substances, such as phytic acid, which prevents the absorption of iron and calcium.

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