

Salt is a food product that is used by humans to give dishes a more refined taste.

It is also often found in the form of small white crystals. Salt of natural origin often contains impurities of various mineral salts, which give it a mostly gray hue.

It is produced in various types – refined, unrefined, coarse, marine. And in Bulgaria, by Regulation of the Ministry of Health, salt producers are obliged to add potassium iodate in the range of 28-55 mg per kg.

According to the method of production, the salt is rock and sediment /sea/. Stone is extracted from mines and quarries, and it usually contains quite a few impurities of sand and soil.

Mineral impurities cannot be removed from the human body, therefore this type of salt is considered not particularly useful for humans.

How is it stored?

Salt for food purposes /according to the terminology used in the Ordinance/ should only be stored in dry places, in glass or ceramic boxes.

It is advisable to leave them in a cupboard away from the stove or other heating device to prevent the salt from getting wet.

Nutritional value in 100 grams

• Proteins – 0;
• Fats – 0;
• Carbohydrates -0;
• Mineral content – ​​99.8 grams;< br/> • Water – 0.2 grams;
• Calorie content – ​​0;

For many of us, perhaps, it is surprising that there is not even 1 kilocalorie in salt, as well as in water. Why then are salt, as well as sugar, defined as dangerous if their caloric content is absolutely zero?

Everything is due to the fact that from salt, and more precisely from its excessive use, a person can not only accumulate extra pounds, but also to develop a disease that is better known in developed countries and especially in the USA as metabolic syndrome.

Salt contributes to the retention of excess fluids in the body, stimulates the feeling of hunger and the appetite for fatty and sweet foods.

Such a diet is far from correct and balanced, so everything should be, as far as eating habits are concerned, in moderation.

Recommendations for daily salt consumption are for no more than 5-6 grams.

Salt – Useful properties

Composition and availability of useful substances

Salt is almost entirely a mineral substance – sodium chloride with a small amount of impurities of useful mineral salts.

In most types of salt available on the market these are: magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, mobildenum, sulfur and cobalt.

Sodium is one of the most important cations necessary for the implementation of the basic functions of the human body. About half of the total amount of sodium in the human body is found in the intercellular fluid, in the cartilage and bones – 40%, and in the cells – 10%.

This mineral is also included in the composition of blood, bile, pancreatic juice, cerebrospinal fluid, breast milk.
Sodium is also involved in the maintenance of acid-base balance, water-salt metabolism, ensures the balance of osmotic pressure.


It is also necessary for the proper function of nerve endings, the transmission of nerve impulses and the absorption of certain nutrients by the intestines and kidneys.

Chlorine is involved in the formation of substances that promote lipolysis. It is also necessary for the formation of the main component of gastric juice – hydrochloric acid.

This mineral favors the function of the central nervous and sexual systems, contributes to the removal of urea from the body, helps the formation and growth of bone tissues.

Salt is a vital nutritional component for people suffering from type 1 diabetes. This is due to its ability to regulate blood sugar levels, thereby reducing the need for insulin injections.

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