

Cauliflower or cauliflower originates from the Mediterranean region. It was first imported to Western Europe in the 17th century.

Cauliflower is a dietary food useful for all ages, and it contains less vegetable fiber than regular cauliflower, so it is easier to digest.

Cauliflower is an annual spring or winter plant. Its root system is fibrous and located near the soil surface. Its stem is cylindrical and reaches 15-70 cm in height.

Nutritional value per 100 grams

• Proteins – 2.5 grams;
• Fats – 0.3 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 4.2 grams;
• Mineral content – ​​0.8 grams;
• Water – 90 grams;
• Caloric – 30 kilocalories;

As stated above, 100 grams of fresh cauliflower provides the body with 30 kilocalories, in boiled – 179, and in roasted 120. Excessive consumption of boiled or roasted cauliflower can become a cause of obesity.

Cauliflower – useful properties

Cauliflower contains mineral salts, proteins and carbohydrates. Cauliflower proteins are rich in valuable amino acids /arginine, lysine/. The amount of cellulose in this vegetable is small and therefore easily absorbed by the body.

Most of the nitrogen compounds of cauliflower are easily digestible protein compounds, thanks to which this vegetable is perceived by the human body much better than other types of cabbage.

Cauliflower contains a huge amount of vitamins C, B1, B6, B2, PP, A, H. And the head of this vegetable is a source of potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Cauliflower is rich in pectin, malic, citric, folic and pantothenic acid.

For example, iron in cauliflower is 2 times more than in green peas, peppers and lettuce and 3 times more than in zucchini and eggplant, and ascorbic acid is 2-3 times more than in white cabbage.

Thanks to its composition, cauliflower is better digested than all other types of cabbage and is therefore extremely useful as a dietary food for gastrointestinal diseases.

Cauliflower can be considered a record holder for biotin content among vegetables available to most people.

Biotin or vitamin H prevents the development of inflammatory processes on the skin or in the skin, prevents the development of the specific skin disease – seborrhea.

This compound is often included in the composition of cosmetic skin care products.

Thanks to its fine structure, cauliflower irritates the stomach lining less than other types of cabbage and is very suitable for baby food.

In case of reduced secretory function, it is recommended to eat foods containing boiled cauliflower. In the case of a stomach or duodenal ulcer, the consumption of cauliflower is allowed, but white cabbage is contraindicated.

In diseases of the liver or duodenum, only those vegetables are recommended that increase the secretion of bile and favor the regular emptying of the intestinal contents.

Regular consumption of cauliflower reduces the risk of developing breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
Cauliflower juice is recommended for gastritis, diabetes, bronchitis, impaired kidney function and liver diseases .


Cauliflower contains purine compounds, which make its use recommended for gout.

Also, cauliflower is on the list of potentially dangerous foods and may cause an allergic reaction in some more sensitive people.

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