

Spinach has many useful properties, its green leaves provide the human body with nutrients more than any other product.

The leaves of this plant, which are used for human food, are low in calories, but on the other hand, they have been found to contain very large amounts of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

When consuming spinach one does not have to worry about gaining weight and then having to switch to exhausting diets.

The only thing he will get as a result is that he will get a wide range of useful and necessary nutrients for his body. Spinach normalizes and regulates the function of the excretory and digestive system.

Spinach – composition

This green leafy vegetable is an excellent source of the following vitamins and minerals – K, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, B6, selenium , nicotinic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine.

Spinach also contains relatively large amounts of protein, phosphorus, vitamin E, zinc, vegetable fiber and copper.

One of the advantages of spinach is that it is easily available, it can be bought in practically any supermarket or grown independently, for example on the balcony or in the yard of the house, as the plant is not picky.

Spinach is a versatile food – it can be eaten raw, added to salads or vegetable cocktails. This green leafy vegetable can be prepared as separate dishes or added to soups or other dishes.

If you intend to cook spinach, it is desirable to cook it for as short a time as possible, because when it is fresh it contains the greatest amounts of vitamins and trace elements.

When the heat treatment of the vegetable begins, its useful nutrients are reduced by half.

Spinach is rich in flavonoids, which act as natural antioxidants, protecting the body’s cells and tissues from the harmful effects of reactive oxygen.

Scientists have found more than 13 different flavonoid compounds in the vegetable that have anti-cancer properties.
Spinach is good for the heart by supporting and stimulating the function of the entire circulatory system.

High levels of vitamins A and C have been found in this vegetable, which are antioxidants in themselves and help neutralize reactive oxygen molecules in the body.

These compounds /antioxidants/ prevent the oxidation of low density cholesterol. In addition, spinach also contains folates /group B vitamins/, which have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system as a whole.

And carotenoids provide the walls of blood vessels with additional nutrients and protect them from the damaging effects of reactive oxygen molecules.

Scientific research shows that consuming large amounts of spinach and green leafy vegetables in general slows down the aging process in the brain.

The leaves of this plant also contain higher levels of plant fiber, which impairs fat absorption.

Consumption of spinach also improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract – vitamin C and beta carotene protect the cells of the colon from the damaging effects of free radicals.

This green leafy vegetable completely eliminates constipation thanks to the fiber in it.
The beneficial nutrients in spinach are the reason why it also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent food for people suffering from diseases such as arthritis. , osteoporosis, migraine and asthma.

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