
Sweet turnip

Sweet turnip, also known as yellow turnip and rutabaga, is a biennial plant belonging to the Cabbage family. Gives the highest yields in fertile sandy and clay soils with good moisture. The vegetation period of the plant is 110-120 days.

The rutabaga was obtained as a result of crossing turnip with white cabbage. There are various theories regarding its origin. Some researchers believe that it was originally cultivated in the Mediterranean region, and others that its homeland is Sweden.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of sweet turnip

• Proteins – 1.2 grams;
• Fats – 0.1 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 7.7 grams;
• Mineral salts – 0.8 grams
• Water – 87.8 grams;
• Calorie content – ​​34 kilocalories;

Thanks to the fact that the yellow turnip contains only 34 kilocalories and has a mild laxative effect, it is considered a dietary food product.

Beneficial properties

The broccoli contains sugar, proteins, vegetable fibers, starch, pectin, vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid – vitamin C, carotene /provitamin A/, rutin – vitamin P, essential oil and the following mineral salts – potassium, sulphur, phosphorus, sodium, iron, copper.

The ascorbic acid contained in the sweet turnip is characterized by high resistance to heat treatment and long-term storage.

Brincous contains the highest percentage of the microelement calcium, thanks to which it is an excellent remedy for people suffering from diseases characterized by softening of bone tissues.

In the distant past, the decoction of the seeds of the sweet turnip was used to treat measles in children and to rinse the mouth and throat in various inflammatory processes.

The roots of the rutabaga were considered an excellent diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and healing agent, and were applied to burns. Beetroot juice is also an effective wound healer.

Brukvat is a valuable food product, especially in winter and early spring, when the deficiency of certain vitamins in the body of most people is most pronounced.

As a medicinal food, sweet turnip is recommended for constipation, as well as for people suffering from atherosclerosis. However, the use of rutabaga in various dishes is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the Bulgarian villages, during the centuries of Ottoman rule, the yellow turnip was used in winter. It was believed that this vegetable is especially useful for elderly people, as it contributes to the maintenance of vital forces.

Young people used it as a remedy for colds, and they recovered quickly. This is completely normal, as the sweet turnip contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, which strengthens immunity.

The rutabaga promotes the transition of a dry cough to a wet one with sputum, as it dissolves the secretions in the respiratory tract, which leads to a faster recovery. Broccoli helps especially well with chronic inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Sweet radish has also been used to relieve swelling and reduce swelling in cardiovascular and kidney diseases, as it has diuretic properties and helps remove excess fluids from the body.

Brincous accelerates metabolism and promotes the excretion of “bad” cholesterol from the body, which is deposited in the form of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

This is why the consumption of sweet turnip is recommended for people suffering from the disease atherosclerosis.
The juice of yellow turnip has antibacterial properties and it has long been used to treat purulent wounds and burns.< /p>

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