
Tuna fish

Tuna fish belongs to a species of mackerel, which are perfectly adapted to their lifestyle of constant movement. The body of this fish is dense and resembles a torpedo.

Its dorsal fin is sickle-shaped and is ideal for long and fast swimming at a speed of up to 77 kilometers per hour. Tuna reaches 3.5 meters in length.

Tuna are widespread in the tropical and subtropical regions of all oceans and everywhere inhabit deeper waters, 200 meters and more. Only the young individuals of this fish live near the surface, forming passages with great density.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of tuna fish

• Proteins – 24.4 grams;
• Fats – 4.6 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 0;
• Vegetable fibers – 0;
• Sodium – 75 mg;
• Water – 69.3 grams;
• Mineral salts -1.7 grams;
• Saturated fatty acids -1.3 grams;
• Cholesterol – 38 mg;
• Energy value – 139 kilocalories, of which 41.4 are fat.

Tuna meat contains such macro and microelements as /values ​​are per 100 grams/:


• Calcium – 30 mg;
• Magnesium – 30 mg;
• Sodium – 75 mg;
• Potassium – 350 mg;
• Phosphorus – 280 mg;< br/> • Chlorine – 160 mg;
• Sulfur – 190 mg;


• Iron – 1 mg;
• Zinc – 0.7 mg;
• Iodine – 50 μg /microgram/;
• Copper – 100 μg;
• Manganese – 0.13 mg;
• Chromium – 90 μg;
• Fluorine – 1000 μg;
• Mobilden – 4 μg;
• Cobalt – 40 μg;
• Nickel – 6 µg;


• Vitamin PP – 10.6 mg;
• Vitamin A – 0.02 mg;
• Provitamin A – 20 μg;
• Vitamin B1 /thiamine/ – 0.28 mg;
• Vitamin B2 /riboflavin/ – 0.23 mg;
• Vitamin B6 /pyridoxine/ – 0.8 mg;
• Vitamin B9 /folic acid/ – 6 μg;
• Vitamin E – 0.2 mg;
• Niacin equivalent, i.e. a compound similar to nicotinic acid – 15.5 mg;

Beneficial properties

Tuna meat has the highest protein content among all other fish – 22-26%. In this respect, it can only be compared with the roe of some types of fish, which are available commercially and at a very high price. The fat content of tuna varies from about 1% to 19%.

The meat of this fish contains all the amino acids necessary for the human body. And this from albacore tuna and bluefin tuna is a source of unique omega-3 fats, helping to reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases in half.

In addition, the omega-3 complex of linoleic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids improves eye and brain functions, reduces arthritic pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes weight loss and even reduces the risk of developing some malignant diseases.

Therefore, to achieve a preventive effect, it is sufficient to consume 5.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per month, which corresponds to 1 jar of 200 grams of albacore tuna in its own sauce per week.

Tuna meat is good for the skin and mucous membranes, the digestive system and the nervous system, and it regulates blood sugar and also has antioxidant properties.


Tuna meat can cause very serious poisoning if the fish is not immediately processed immediately after it is caught. This meat spoils very quickly and becomes poisonous. It should be noted that meat harvested from large tuna fish may have a high concentration of mercury.

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