
The heaviest people in the world

“Size doesn’t matter” – have you heard this statement? However, after reading this article, you will really realize that size does not matter.

Keep reading this article to find out who are the heaviest people on the planet.

Don’t think that if you weigh 150 kilograms you are fat, because there are people who carry over 400 kilograms on their shoulders.

There are two types of fat people. The first are overweight because of their eating habits and the others – because of some serious diseases.

Can you imagine a person who weighs 300 kilograms next to you? These tough people face a number of difficulties in their lives. So, they need extra care, attention and medical attention.

You will now see a list of the fattest people in the world:

1) John Brower Minoche (1941-1983) – 635 kilograms

He was the heaviest man ever born. He suffered from massive general oedema which is a disease in which the body retains excess extracellular fluid. The most shocking fact is that over 400 kilograms of his weight is due precisely to fluid retention.

At the age of 12, John Brower weighed 132 kilograms, and by the time he reached the age of 22, his weight had reached 178 kilograms. In addition to his record for the heaviest man in the world, he and his wife Jeanette, who weighed only 50 kilograms, hold the record for the largest difference in weight between funny couples.


hospitalization has caused quite a bit of trouble. A dozen firefighters and a rescue squad were needed to transport him on a modified stretcher. In the hospital, he was placed on two beds placed next to each other.

He also sets a new record for the most pounds lost. After a strict diet, John managed to lose 419 kilograms of his weight.

2) Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari (1991 – present) – 610 kilograms

When the king of Saudi Arabia found out that there was a man in his country who had not left his home for three years, he made everything possible for that to happen. It is about the 610-kilogram Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari, who, after the efforts made by the king, managed to be transported to the medical center.

He was later found to have lost more than half of his body weight after undergoing bariatric surgery. However, Shaari cannot walk on his own and needs a special wheelchair.

3) Manuel “Meme” Uribe Garza (1965-2014) – 597 kilograms

He was considered the “rock star of the heaviest people in the world” because he was always placed under the light of the spotlights, because of their weight.

Manuel Uribe was born in Mexico and suffers from obesity. He used the Mexican television network to get publicity and get help.

Many people responded and were able to help him. After some time he was featured in two television documentaries, one in 2007 – “The Heaviest Man in the World” and another in 2009 – “The Heaviest Man in the World Gets Married”.

From his 597 kg weight, he lost 230 kg with the help of nutritionists and custom diets. When he died, he weighed nearly 394 kilograms.

The interesting thing is that all three of the heaviest people in the world have seen an incredible melting of their kilograms and the corresponding achievement of a betterhealthy state.

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