
The link between dementia and vitamin D has been confirmed

Vitamin D has been shown to improve the condition of patients suffering from a number of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and the most severe form of Alzheimer’s disease, from which, according to data from various sources, about 5 million have fallen ill .people in the European Union.

According to the most recent statistics on causes of death, Alzheimer’s disease ranks in the top 3 killer diseases, just behind cardiovascular disease and cancer, which vitamin D deficiency is connected.

Scientists estimate that half of the EU population is at risk of vitamin D deficiency.

According to forecasts, this ratio in the elderly will reach over 95%. Although it is certainly not the only cause of dementia, there is scientific evidence that suggests vitamin D is among the factors essential to the successful prevention of the disease.

Much of the brain tissue contains vitamin D receptors, and when these are activated by it, the growth of new neurons is facilitated.

Scientists also believe that optimal levels of the vitamin increase levels of important brain chemicals.

And they protect brain cells by increasing the efficiency of glial cells in aging-damaged neurons, thus promoting their recovery.

Vitamin D also exerts its beneficial effect on the brain through its scientifically proven anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating properties.

The link between low vitamin D and dementia has been confirmed again with the publication of a large-scale six-year study conducted by an international team of scientists.

Study participants who were severely deficient in vitamin D were twice as likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

And for those who were moderately deficient in the vitamin, there was a 53% increased risk of developing any form of dementia, with the likelihood increasing to 125% for participants who were found to be severely deficient.

Similar results were also recorded for Alzheimer’s disease, with the moderate deficiency group having a 69% greater chance of developing this type of dementia. And this percentage increases to 122 in participants with a large deficiency of vitamin D.

The study authors conclude that the results confirm that vitamin deficiency is associated with a significantly increased risk of all forms of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

The results also show that there is a threshold of circulating blood vitamin D levels below which the risk of dementia increases.

Scientists found this threshold about 50 nanomoles per liter of blood or about 20 nanograms per milliliter. Higher levels are associated with good brain health.

But based on previous research, it can be suggested that 20 nanograms per milliliter of blood is still too low and potentially dangerous.

Based on research on healthy people who are exposed to enough time in natural sunlight, it is found otherwise.

The optimal limit for maintaining good general health is between 50 and 70 nanograms per milliliter of blood, or 125-175 nanomoles per liter of blood – far from the threshold recommended by the six-year study described above.

Sun exposure is the perfect way to boost vitamin D levels. This is achieved when bare skin with a light complexion acquires a very slight pink tint.

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