

Trout belongs to the Rayfin class, Trout family. Its body is elongated, slightly laterally flattened and covered with small scales. A characteristic feature of this fish is that it adopts the color of its habitat.

Fish from the Flatfish family also have such a feature. The dorsal fin of the trout is short and resembles a well-defined lateral line.

Males are distinguished from females by the large size of the head and the number of teeth. The usual length of the trout is 40-50 cm, and its weight is 1 kg.

This fish inhabits rivers, streams, streams, especially likes the upper reaches of rivers, where the water is cool all year round. The most suitable for trout are fast waters, rich in oxygen, with enough places to hide.

They prefer the bottom of the stream or river to be hard, rocky or stony.

Trout spawns straight to the bottom of the river, where it digs a hole with its tail. The spawn is almost immediately fertilized by the male, after which the female buries the “nest”. And after 6 weeks, small fish begin to appear from the spawn.

Trout usually hide in the depths, pits and in the shade of aquatic plants. This is a very timid and cautious fish.
In Bulgaria, the Balkan trout is mainly distributed.

The color of the flesh of this fish is different and usually varies between white, yellowish and pink. Most likely, this depends on the way the fish is fed.

Trout meat contains many vitamins /A, D, B12/ and essential amino acids. Trout is quite an oily fish, so it tastes best when grilled.

When choosing a fillet or meat from this fish, it is important to know that it does not have the typical pronounced smell of fish. In addition, the quality trout meat with a fragile and elastic structure.

Nutritional value

According to the database of the US Department of Agriculture /USDA/, 100 grams of trout contains:

• Water – 71.87 grams;
• Proteins – 20.48 grams;
• Fat – 3.46 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 0 grams;
• Mineral salts – 1.31 grams;
• Caloric content – ​​about 119 kilocalories on average;


• Potassium – 481 mg;
• Calcium – 67 mg;
• Magnesium – 31 mg;
• Sodium – 39 mg;
• Phosphorus – 271 mg;< /p>

Beneficial properties of trout meat

Trout meat helps to lower cholesterol levels in the human body, supports the functions of the brain, helps to strengthen neurons and arteries and is therefore recommended for heart diseases , especially in ischemic heart disease and also in Alzheimer’s.

A vitamin B6, contained in trout, is extremely necessary for the preservation of women’s health, as it significantly improves the condition of premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy and menopause.

The compound pyridoxine /one of the forms of vitamin B6/ prevents some forms of cancer and stimulates metabolism. Men who regularly consume trout are much less likely to suffer from infertility, due to the presence of selenium in this fish / this mineral increases sperm motility/.

In addition, selenium is a very strong antioxidant and protects against the damaging effects of free radicals, slowing down the aging process.

Due to the high content of vitamins and trace elements /such as B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, A, E, D, magnesium, phosphorus and folic acid/ the consumption of trout meat stimulates the hematopoietic process, prevents the formation of blood clots, activates metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the function of the liver, nervous, digestive and immune systems.

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