

One of the most favorite fish foods of Bulgarians is tsatsata, which in Bulgaria is considered the cheapest fish, its price per kilogram in the commercial network is about BGN 2.50 – 3.00 , but in Western Europe it is a delicacy.

Perhaps few of us know that one of the subspecies of this fish is common in Bulgaria, which is known by the name fennel, and also as tritsona, Black Sea sprat or only sprat.

Tsatsata belongs to the herring family and reaches a length of no more than 10 centimeters, and their weight is 35 grams on average. It is undeniable that it looks like a herring, but it is much smaller.

Nutritional value of sprats (100 grams)

• Proteins – 17.1 grams;
• Fats – 7.6 grams, of which unsaturated fatty acids 2.9 grams;
• Carbohydrates – 0 grams;
• Mineral salts – 14.3 grams;
• Water – 61 grams;
• Cholesterol – 84 mg;
• Calorie content – ​​136.8 kilocalories;

Tsatsa is a source of the following vitamins /values ​​are per 100 grams/:

• Vitamin PP/niacin equivalent/ – 5.94 mg;
• Riboflavin /B2/ – 0.1 mg;
• Thiamine /B1/ – 0.02 mg;
• Nicotinic acid /B3/ – 3.1 mg;

The following mineral substances are present in the composition of the fennel:

• Nickel – 6 micrograms;
• Mobilden – 4 μg;
• Fluorine – 430 μg;
• Chromium – 55 μg;
• Zinc – 0.7 mg;< br/> • Iron – 14 mg;
• Chlorine – 165 mg;
• Potassium – 187 mg;
• Sodium – 4917 mg;
• Magnesium – 51 mg;< /p>

Beneficial properties

The beneficial effect on the human body from the consumption of tsatsa is determined by the presence of the huge amount of calcium /91 mg. per 100 grams/ in it, which is essential for the normal functioning of many systems of the human body.

Man, from the tip of his hair to the ends of his nails, directly depends on the systemic supply of this valuable trace element, as it has an impact on the formation of bone tissue. Sufficient intake of this mineral, in turn, manifests itself as a slender and beautiful posture and a snow-white smile.

The absorption of calcium is directly related to another important chemical element, such as phosphorus /330 mg per 100 grams/, and to vitamin D, which is also present in a certain amount in fennel. The main part of the reserves of these two valuable minerals are not contained in the meat itself, but in the tail, wings and bones of the sparrow.

Accordingly, in order to obtain these nutritional components, a person must consume a dill cooked whole, and not just its meat, which would be difficult to extract due to its size.

Calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are important for everyone, but they are especially necessary for pregnant women, children and the elderly suffering from diseases of the bone system, such as osteoporosis.

In addition to calcium and phosphorus, sprats are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are also essential for the human body.

The beneficial properties of fennel are also determined by the fact that it contains a significant amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have an anti-atherosclerotic effect, as they lower triglyceride levels.

And it is for this reason that sprats are a valuable food for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.


Canned sprats in tomato sauce are harmful for people with diseases of the digestive system, as they contain vinegar and other additives that irritate the wall of the gastrointestinal tract.

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