

Soy belongs to a genus of plants from the Legume family. Its homeland is East Asia.

Soy is an ideal food for vegetarians, as 40% of it consists of proteins, which are not inferior in quality to animal proteins. It also contains many useful mineral nutritional components such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium.

Iron in soy is 7 times more than in wheat bread. Vitamins from group B, E, D prevent aging, and unsaturated fatty acids stop the growth of cancer cells.

A person using soy never gets obesity, osteoporosis, allergies and ischemic heart disease.

This leguminous crop contains a significant amount of sugars – raffinose and stachyose, which bifidobacteria use as a source of nutrients.

By increasing the amount of bifidobacteria, the risk of developing oncological diseases and dysbacteriosis decreases, the amount of harmful bacteria decreases and, in general, life expectancy increases.

Beneficial properties of soy milk

The so-called soy meat is produced from soybeans. The defatted soy flour is pressed until the protein fibers do not change their structure.

The soy analogue of meat does not contain cholesterol, adrenaline and hormones. Soy meat is easily digested and does not lead to obesity. By itself, it is tasteless, but in combination with other foods it acquires a rich taste. The roasted carrot gives the soy meat a mushroom taste, and the tomato – meaty.

Soy milk is a sweet drink, reminiscent of ordinary cow’s milk or cream in appearance. It is obtained from soaked, boiled or steamed soybeans. Its main advantage is the absence of lactose, which is an allergen and can also cause diathesis.

Soy milk is absorbed very well and causes less secretion of bile juice, therefore it is recommended for ulcers and gastritis. It is a source of many proteins, B vitamins and minerals.

However, the results of scientific research show that consuming soy in significant quantities can lead to the development of a number of diseases, in particular hypofunction of the thyroid gland in children, as well as to the cessation of growth in height.

Soy proteins have also been found to cause hormonal changes in the body. It is for this reason that soy is contraindicated in pregnant women.

The use of soy in large quantities can cause urticaria, rhinitis, dermatitis, asthma, bronchospasm, diarrhea, colitis, conjunctivitis, eczema and other diseases.

Inclusion in the diet of soy foods can damage the kidneys, especially if a person already suffers from nephrolithiasis.

This is due to the fact that soy contains salts of oxalic acid – oxalates, which are the “starting material” for the formation of kidney stones.

Soy contains isoflavonoids, genestein and phytic acids. Isoflavonoids are estrogen-like compounds that prevent the development of hormone-dependent forms of malignant diseases.

Genestein is a substance that has the ability to stop the development of some oncological and cardiovascular diseases in the early stages. And phytic acids suppress the growth of tumor formations.

Foods produced on the basis of soy are recommended as a preventive measure against many diseases such as cardiovascular and liver diseases, as well as in the presence of kidney and/or gallstones, diabetes mellitus, allergies to animal proteins and in many other clinical conditions.

But one of the most useful and important components of soy is the soy lecithin contained in it. This compound and choline contribute to the recovery of brain cells and nerve tissue as a whole.

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