
What foods facilitate the conception of a child

A woman’s fertility depends on many factors, however, the trace element selenium is essential for conceiving a child. This natural antioxidant is found in foods which are also very good sources of protein.

Scientists from the University of Adelaide, South Australia found that meat, seafood and nuts containing a large amount of selenium can positively affect female fertility if consumed regularly.

We must remember that this is not the first time experts have brought the health benefits of selenium to the attention of the general public. It was previously proven that this trace element increases the fertility of men as well.

It is also known that selenium has a special function in the implementation of the immune response of the body, as well as in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Thanks to the presence of selenium, free radical neutralization processes take place in the body, and toxins accumulated in the body are also removed.

Furthermore, without a sufficient amount of this trace element, difficulties may arise with the progress of the late stages of the development of the follicles and with the formation of a suitable environment for the release of an egg cell.

During the experiment, the scientists were able to determine the location of selenium in the woman’s ovaries, and then they turned their attention to the GPX1 protein. It turns out that this protein is related to the valuable trace element.

The results of the study showed high expression of the GPX1 gene. The scientists noticed that the expression of this gene in the eggs increased 2 times, which in turn contributes to the conception of a child.

However, researchers advise to keep in mind that taking too much selenium through food can cause signs and symptoms of toxicity to develop.

Previous scientific studies show that selenium is found in asparagus. Experts note that these vegetables are one of the healthiest foods because they have anti-inflammatory properties. In addition to selenium, asparagus also contains vitamin C, E, beta carotene, zinc, manganese, and the antioxidant glutathione.

Andrew Hart from the School of Medicine in the city of Norwich, East England together with a group of scientists proved that such foods as citrus fruits, red berries, red and green peppers, vegetable oils, walnuts, nuts, seeds, egg yolk, fish, meat and cereals, reduce the risk of cancer due to the selenium, vitamin E and C contained in them.

Scientists have found that people who receive a sufficient amount of selenium through food are 50% less likely to encounter cancer.

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