
What is the relationship between testosterone and libido

A decrease in testosterone can be the result of many things, but above all, it means that the affected individual is very likely to suffer from reduced sexual activity.

“Misinterpretation of ‘hormone decline’ is one of the main drivers of the massive overuse of testosterone as a side supplement,” say researchers.

The latest findings suggest that reduced sexual activity may also lead to drops in testosterone levels in older men.

Among men over the age of 70, there is a decline in the desire for sexual activity.

Whether it is because of advanced age or purely biological processes of man, science does not have a clear answer, but what science has a look at is that men of this age also report a decline in the basic male hormone – testosterone.

“A decline in testosterone production is more likely to be the result, rather than the cause, of sexual dysfunction among older people who do not suffer from reproductive diseases and impaired q” – say scientists.

“It is a widespread misconception that the decline in this testosterone can be boosted by another synthetically produced testosterone,” the researchers said.

And they also added – “In the article we say testosterone, yes, the pharmacy says testosterone again on the package, but the thing is, it’s not the same thing.”

“There is a difference in the biochemical processes that are carried out by one and by the other testosterone. In both cases, it is a hormone, with the same composition and action, but despite everything, what is in the body and what comes in a synthetic way are two very different concepts .”

Actually, this whole study is an anomaly, because it’s not right that when testosterone drops, so does the desire for sex.

Baseline hormone levels do not predict decline in sexual function either way.

“However, there was a strong association between decreased testosterone production and declines in sexual activity, at least during the study period.” – the researchers shared.

For every one standard deviation or any type of decline in testosterone production from baseline to follow-up, the odds ratio for a further decline in sexual activity was 1.23.

The drop in testosterone is surprisingly small, the scientists note. The same anomaly was observed in studies related to estrogen levels in the female body and subsequent sexual desire.

Changes in testosterone levels are too small to explain the reduction in sexual activity and desire.” This trend plays the role of a well-designed placebo – clinical research shows.

What is strange is that a reduction of between 75% and 80% is required as a prerequisite for an elderly man to also limit his desire for sexual intercourse, while for middle-aged men , as well as those between 20 and 30 years of age, a 50% drop in testosterone production indicated no effect on sexual desire.

Based on the evidence, the best approach to the treatment of sexual dysfunction in elderly men who do not suffer from reproductive diseases and disorders is to provide special attention on other possible diseases reflecting on sexual activity.

In other words, an individual does not have to suffer from an illness related to sexual dysfunction to suffer from one.

“There are simply diseases that, as a side effect, reflect on other systems, such as the genitals, for example.” – added the researchers.

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