
White wine

White wine is an alcoholic beverage that is produced from white, rose and red wine varieties. The necessary condition for the production of this drink is the fermentation of grapes in the absence of the skin of its grains.

The light shade of the white wine is due precisely to the absence of the grape skin, since the juice from the fleshy part of the grains of most grape varieties is practically colorless.

The natural white wine has a versatile soft taste, a refined aroma and has a pleasant golden hue. Depending on the grape varieties used in the production, the taste of the drink may differ, but it always retains its refined aroma.

Due to the wide variety of grape varieties and recipes for the preparation of this drink, many brands of white wines are available on the Bulgarian market.

Nutritional value

There is no clear answer to the question of how many calories this drink contains, but they are less than in red wine.
Regarding dry white wine, it can be attributed to the category of diet wines.

This type of white wine is included in the diet food regime. Its calorie content per 100 grams is 68 kilocalories, and that of semi-dry white wine is 78 kilocalories.

Beneficial properties

It has been scientifically proven that the use of this alcoholic drink in reasonable quantities is beneficial for health.
The benefit of white wine is due to its high content of useful mineral trace elements and salts that are easily absorbed into the blood.

For example, if a food rich in iron is combined with this drink, this mineral contained in the food is absorbed much better.

Natural white wine contains a large amount of macro and microelements such as calcium, manganese, iodine, titanium, phosphorus, cobalt, magnesium, potassium, etc.

This grape alcoholic drink is rich in essential oils, organic acids and vitamins /group B and C/, which help to lower blood pressure and have a tonic effect on the body.

The healing properties of the white wine drink can be attributed to:

• Increasing appetite;

• Contributes to the maintenance of normal acidity of the stomach and increases the secretion of gastric juices;

• Dilates blood vessels;

• Restores the metabolism of substances in the body;

• Strengthens the function of the heart muscle;

• Increases the secretion of the endocrine glands;

• Destroys microbes in the intestines and stomach;

• Improves lung function;

• It is very useful in anemia;

Although not only antioxidants are contained in this drink, they are more easily absorbed by the body compared to those in red wine, since the antioxidant compounds themselves are of smaller size.

When diluted, white wine has strong antibacterial properties. For example, if it is diluted with ordinary water, after about an hour the water can be considered decontaminated.

This alcoholic drink contains caffeic acid, which facilitates the release of mucous secretions from the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is recommended to use white wine by people suffering from diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

In addition, this alcoholic drink has a preventive effect on the disease characteristic of the elderly such as cataracts.

This drink has a beneficial effect on the brain vessels, reducing the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease, which in recent decades has gained increasing social importance.

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