

Whiskey belongs to the category of strong alcoholic beverages, which are obtained from various types of cereals through malting, fermentation and distillation and long storage in special oak barrels.

The grains that are generally used to make whiskey are barley, wheat, corn or rye.

The alcohol content in this drink reaches 40-50 volume percent /alcohol degrees/. But there are also varieties of whiskey whose volume percentages reach 60.

The drink has a characteristic light amber color, sugar in it is either completely absent or contained in small amounts.

Historically, the main producers of whiskey are those countries that can rightly be called its inventors. These are Ireland and Scotland.

However, the question is in which of these two countries whiskey was first discovered. This issue is still open and disputes between the two countries continue to prove their superiority.

But the earliest mention of the alcoholic drink dates back to 1494 and it was made by Scottish monks. However, whiskey has been produced for over 1,000 years, but was only used for medicinal purposes in monasteries.

Its miraculous power was so great that it was called “living water” or “Aqua vitae”.

Beneficial properties

The moderate use of whiskey can actually only be beneficial for the human body. It is thanks to its beneficial properties that this drink became so popular a thousand years ago in monastic circles.

If a person adheres to the recommendations for the use of about 30 grams of whiskey per day, the risk of a heart attack would be significantly reduced. In this regard, it is not at all surprising that the Scots add this drink almost everywhere – in juices, teas, coffees, etc.

Due to its high alcohol content, whiskey has excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Herbal infusions and compresses in which whiskey is applied are extremely useful.

Tincture of whiskey with white garden rose is an indispensable medicine for various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as it helps to release sputum more easily and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

To prepare a tincture of white garden rose, it is necessary to pour 20 grams of this herb with 500 ml of whiskey, after which the resulting medicinal drink is left in a dark place, where it is stored for about 10 days. Then take 10-15 drops three times a day.

Diuretic, stimulating and tonic action has the tincture of divisil root, prepared on the basis of whiskey. To make it, you need 100 grams of the root of the herb and 300 ml of whiskey.

An excellent tool for lowering blood pressure and improving the condition of the cardiovascular system is the tincture of green walnuts prepared on the basis of whiskey.

Contraindications for the use of whiskey

Despite its many useful properties, whiskey is a strong alcoholic drink. It follows that its excessive consumption would necessarily have a negative impact on the normal functioning of the human organism.

Frequent intake of whiskey in large quantities is highly inadvisable, as it is possible to develop severe intoxication, which may subsequently develop into alcoholism.

The excess of this alcoholic drink causes extreme damage to the liver and kidneys, as a result of which the function of these organs is disturbed, and in some cases, their functioning is even terminated.

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