
Why do we suffer from tinnitus?

Tinnitus, as doctors call this condition, is an extremely common problem among people.

Every fifth person is a victim, or in other words, about 20% of the world’s population suffers from it.

It is not an independent disease, but is a symptom of many other impairments related to age and hearing loss, ear damage or other types of infections< /strong>.

Still, tinnitus remains one of the most annoying ailments, especially when you try to fall asleep at night, and thanks to it you can’t.

What happens in the inner ear?

Tinnitus is most often based on damage to the structures of the inner ear.

Normal vibrations coming from motion or sound waves are surrounded by tiny cilia that look like hairs.

These cilia generate an electrical signal that the auditory nerves, which periodically signal the brain about the state of your hearing, perceive and begin tointerpret the pulse.

If these cilia are damaged, they can cause an electrical impulse similar to the one described above, a stimulus that the brain will fail to understand and interpret as an indeterminate noise or ringing.

Age-related changes

For many people, hearing problems come with age. This trend has been observed for the last 60 years. Hearing loss can lead to tinnitus. For this reason, this condition is characteristic of elderly individuals.

Experts call this condition “presbyacusis” or as it is more commonly known, age-related hearing loss.

Loud sounds

Constant noise that is made by various objects and objects such as chainsaws, firearms, passing trains, etc., are also a common cause of loss or partial damage to listen.

The effect is the same as playing music and turning the volume all the way up and listening for a while. About 30-40 minutes is enough to numb your ears.

And when you are exposed to such conditions every day, be it because of your job or your lifestyle (if you are a miner, a shooting coach or never miss a concert for example) it is very possible to permanently damage your hearing and start to you hear ringing in your ears.


In many cases with people complaining of ringing in the ears, the real irritant is actually the earwax that has blocked the openings in your ear and as a result you don’t hear well, and sounds are reflected differently, and often in a quiet environment you feel as if you’ve touched a large clam or clam to your ear.

Earwax also prevents foreign particles in the ear canal from doing their job, preventing different types of bacteria from entering and thus further clogging your ears .


A disease that sounds a lot like sclerosis and also has a similar effect, but instead of the brain, it involves your ears.

The disease is only transmitted genetically, meaning you cannot catch it from another individual, and the only way to suffer from otosclerosis is if it is inherited in your genetic code.

With otosclerosis, it is quite possible to complain of tinnitus or to have impaired hearing and hearing much more difficult.

Meniere’s disease

This is an extremely rare disease in which fluid accumulates in the inner ear, in rather large quantities, which gradually leads to hearing loss.

And tinnitus is the earliest symptom that you suffer from this type of disease.

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