
3 questions when choosing the right face mask

There are thousands of ways to nourish your facial skin and one of them is to use a face mask. There is a huge variety of products in the stores according to your needs.

There are also many recipes for homemade pomades that give good results.

Masks are a boon to the face because they supply them with the nutrients they need to keep your skin looking clean and healthy. In most cases, women remain disappointed with their effect because they did not manage to choose the right mask.

They didn’t take into account the type of skin they have or the result helps them for one thing and harms another.

It is not at all difficult to steer in the right direction if you are able to consider the needs of your skin. For your convenience, we provide 3 questions that will help you in your choice.

1. How does your skin feel after using face masks so far?

A. Not clean enough;
B. Redness and irritation caused;
C. No visible result;

2. What effect would you like to achieve with your mask selection?

A. Deep cleansing, exfoliation, or a combination of both;
B. Hydration of dry or sensitive skin without irritation;
C. Shrinking pores or reducing puffiness around the eyes;

3. How would you describe your facial skin?

A. Oily or combined;
B. Moderately or highly sensitive to irritation;
C. Mature, dry or cracked;

Poreche answered A

The most suitable mask for you is the one that contains clay. The clay is drying and is especially suitable for women with oily or combination skin. With the second type, you have to be careful not to over-dry the already dry areas.

Exfoliation is very important, to clear clogged pores. It is best to use a mask with essential oils in it to penetrate deeply.

More Answers B

For women with sensitive skin, we recommend targeting a product with soothing ingredients. Chamomile, oats, honey and vanilla. It is important for you to avoid heavy exfoliation because it causes skin irritations. If the mask contains ginger or tea tree extract, do not use it.

More C answers

If you fall into this column, you need to focus on face masks containing elderberry, ginkgo biloba or witch hazel. With their help, you will close enlarged pores.

Citrus fruits and green tea, in turn, will make your skin soft and fresh and restore a youthful appearance. They help reduce puffy areas around the eyes.

When choosing a brand for your mask, you can trust Faberlic. Their products are created with your face in mind.

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