

Pepper, whose official name is sweet pepper, is an annual herbaceous plant of the Potato family. Its fruits are multi-seeded, red, orange, yellow and brown in color and of various shapes and sizes – 0.25 to 190 grams.

Red and green peppers are the most common in Bulgaria. In its wild form, this plant is found in the tropical regions of America, which continent is actually its homeland.

But it is grown in southern temperate, subtropical and tropical latitudes in all regions of the world.

Nutritional composition for 100 grams of chopped raw peppers

• Calorie content – ​​20.13 kilocalories;
• Carbohydrates – 4.7 grams;
• Sugars – 2.7 grams;
• Vegetable fiber – 2.02 grams;
• Proteins – 0.67 grams;

Beneficial properties

Sweet pepper contains vitamins C, B1, B2, B9, P, PP and carotene, therefore, people suffering from depression, diabetes mellitus, and also with deterioration of abilities for memorization, insomnia, fatigue, they should include this vegetable in their daily menu. According to the amount of vitamin C, peppers surpass lemons and black currants.

Ascorbic acid combined with large amounts of vitamin P contributes to the strengthening of blood vessels and reduces the risk of compromising their walls.

Due to the high content of mineral salts of potassium, as well as calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, fluorine, chlorine, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine, chromium, sulfur and cobalt, peppers are indispensable for anemia, lowered immunity, early baldness and osteoporosis.

Sweet pepper is useful for blood diseases, bleeding gums and fragile blood vessels.

Peppers stimulate the secretion of gastric juices, improve the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, calm the nerves and help with coughs, and their consumption has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Peppers are recommended for gastritis, spasms, intestinal colic, and also for excessive sweating.

In the composition of the pepper, both sweet and hot, the presence of the alkaloid capsaicin, which gives this vegetable its characteristic taste, has been found.

This substance stimulates the function of the pancreas, stimulates the appetite, lowers blood pressure, thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Due to the low content of capsaicin in sweet pepper, unlike hot pepper, this vegetable can be consumed in large quantities without having to worry about the health of one’s stomach.

For this reason, a juice is made from the sweet pepper, which is recommended for diabetes and also for stimulating the growth of nails and hair.

Sweet pepper contains compounds that prevent carcinogens from entering cells. And in this way, to a certain extent, protection against the development of cancer is provided.

Peppers speed up the metabolism and help burn more calories. By consuming this vegetable, a person can reduce the weight that he has gained as a result of consuming foods high in fat.

Sweet pepper prevents the occurrence of stomach upset and also contributes to the reduction of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.


Pepper peppers are among the top 10 vegetables with the highest pesticide content.

This vegetable is contraindicated in severe angina pectoris, heart rhythm disorders, stomach or duodenal ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, exacerbation of chronic kidney and liver diseases, intractable hemorrhoids, increased excitability of the nervous system and in epilepsy.

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