
Three-day military diet

If you’ve decided to shed a few pounds, there’s a bewildering array of options in front of you, ranging from eating according to blood type, eating mostly meat foods, low-carb eating, or food color-oriented. The situation is similar with the military diet, which actually has nothing to do with the army. That’s just what it’s called. It dates back to around 1985. It’s quite popular in the States and is usually passed on by word of mouth, but recently the internet has taken over that role.

The three-day diet is extremely easy to follow. It starts with a breakfast of toast with grapefruit, for lunch something that contains protein but is not of animal origin (peas, lentils, beans ) plus a piece of toast, and for dinner something protein is eaten (this time it can be meat or fish) with vegetables. Maybe a little ice cream for dessert. The specific combination and amount implies active fat burning, and according to people who have already experienced it, it is possible to lose up to about 4 kilograms in 3 days.

However, you yourself understand that the three-day diet can only be used for short periods of time because it is quite extreme. However, this does not prevent you from applying it during certain periods, and during the rest of the time you just eat a balanced and nutritious diet.

It is believed that the secret of a protein diet lies in the intake of more protein at each meal. This stimulates the accumulation of muscle mass and the burning of fat. To achieve better results, you can make your cardio workouts more intense, but still without overdoing it. According to nutrition professionals, there are also side factors that can have a big impact on weight loss.

And here is the advice of former US Navy SEAL Stu Smith. He says the best way to get rid of pesky fat is a balanced diet and moderate exercise. He recommends eating regularly and not skipping meals, and including fruits and vegetables between main meals. Among his most highly recommended products are lean turkey and chicken (due to their high protein content), low-fat dairy products, oatmeal, and whole grains.

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