
7 rules when choosing children’s cosmetics

Your baby’s and child’s skin is extremely delicate and should be taken care of very carefully. There are countless shampoos, creams, powders and other products designed for the little ones.

Mothers take on the task of choosing the right means to maintain good hygiene for their children. Despite their rich experience, they also encounter difficulties with such a wide variety.

Children’s skin is much more susceptible to allergic reactions, redness and rashes, compared to that of an adult. This is due to the thinner and upper layer.

That’s why when an inappropriate product gets on her, it is immediately absorbed and can cause discomfort to the little one.

Don’t experiment with products designed for big people.

There are ingredients and chemicals in them that must be avoided initially. If you follow the rules below, it will be much easier for you to navigate your choice.

1. Read the contents of the package carefully. You should avoid the presence of preservatives and the recently popular parabens.

Studies show that they lead to cancer. If you see it says methylparaben E218; Ethylparaben E214; propylparaben E216 directly switch to another product!

2. Children’s cosmetics must contain moisturizers and anti-allergens. As we mentioned, it is very susceptible to allergic reactions. It dries out more easily and hydration is very important for her.

3. Emphasize natural ingredients. Chamomile and calendula have been used since ancient times to soothe inflamed skin. Panthenol and lanolin soften and moisturize. Vitamin E is designed to neutralize free radicals.

Zinc oxide has an antibacterial effect. Some essential oils are also well accepted by children’s skin – olive oil, almond oil and others.

4. We do not recommend dyes and strong fragrances to be in your children’s cosmetics. Not only do they not help your health, but they can harm you by causing a rash on the body. Not to mention that babies don’t like strong smells.

5. Most little girls are interested in mom’s cosmetics. Some experiments and smearing begin, and they are far from recommended for children. Choose oil-based products. Children’s makeup should not absorb into the skin and wash off easily with water.

When buying, trust a reliable brand, don’t experiment with it. The label must state that the make-up is for children over 3 years of age.

6. Nail polish. Little ladies love it so much that sometimes it’s very difficult to explain to them how small they are for it. These “pampers” were invented for this purpose. It must be water-based.

However, don’t buy it before your daughter is 6 years old. Faberlic have created the perfect product and she will really enjoy the different colors.

7. When doing your child’s hair use plain sweetened water. It is a perfect substitute for hairspray.

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