
Lose weight with Spanish cuisine

While more and more shops and restaurants in coastal Spain offer more and more British products, British snacks and British specialties, if you want to shed a few extra pounds traditional Spanish cuisine is far more suitable.

Many tourists to Spain head inland and hope to sample authentic local cuisine.

And it, in turn, is considered very healthy and effective in the fight against weight. Let’s see some typical Spanish specialties that will be helpful in getting the figure you’ve always dreamed of.

Tapas – tasty, varied and always in small quantities. Tapas are appetizers that the Spanish put on the table every day.

The high content of olive oil and vegetables makes them a very good choice for dieters. Among the popular tapas are mushrooms in garlic sauce and stuffed peppers.

Tomatoes – they are the king of all fruits and vegetables in Spain. Delicious fruit or vegetable (whichever you prefer) is an integral part of Spanish cuisine.

It is the basis of the famous Spanish soup Gazpacho. The spicy temptation is quite filling and full of vitamins. Also, Gazpacho soup is one of the best soups you can think of when it comes to losing weight.

Paella – another good idea for losing weight coming from Spanish cuisine. Usually, the Mediterranean temptation is served with a wide range of seafood (crabs, shrimps, mussels) or with chicken. In any case, however, it is an excellent choice for lunch every day.

Oranges – one of the countries that produce and consume the most oranges in the world is Spain. The delicious citrus fruit is a magical dessert that contains a minimal amount of calories, but on the other hand it contains a whole ton of vitamins.

A few oranges a day will fill you with a large portion of fiber, which will keep you full. In addition to the line, oranges will also have a good effect on the skin. Consumed regularly, they will give you a unique glow.

Stuffed Mushrooms – Who doesn’t love mushrooms?

They are one of the most delicious and aromatic foods that are often used to flavor dishes, but when the main dish is stuffed mushrooms sprinkled with a little cheese it is already really tempting. In addition, mushrooms are quite a dietary equivalent of meat, and you can eat to your heart’s content. Well, don’t go overboard with the cheese on top, though.

If you include these 5 traditional Spanish foods in your daily menu, you can lose weight slowly but with good results over a long period of time.

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